Unexpected dream

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Where the hell am I? I woke up in an unusually dark room, not that my room is very bright, but at least I could see in my room. I felt around for some sort of light, but found none, and as I was looking, the events of last night came back to me. I remember going out for Pizza with the Hive 5, when all of a sudden this guy showed up, grabbed me, and ran off. He was very fast for his age, at least he looked young, and he seemed so familiar, but ever since the fall my memory has been shaky. I think he was kind of orange, well; at least he looked like an orange blur when I saw him. It seemed I was in some kind of prison. I started to get mad, who in their right mind would imprison me? I felt some sort of device on my wrists, most probably a power band, so I couldn't even use my magic on this fiend! I wanted to see who this lunatic was. The Hive 5 would find me, I had a detector on me, wait, where's my necklace, alright, so maybe I didn't have a detector with me, but they would still find me!


I found her at last! She had gone back to the Hive 5, she must not have remembered me, it made me so mad, well, I hurt more, but she just up and left. I remember the day like it was yesterday, although it was over a year ago. We were in the kitchen when she told me she was going shopping, well, she never actually went shopping, she didn't even leave her room through the door, I remember walking past her door, I herd a scream, so I rushed in, the window was open and she was no where to be found. My first though was kidnappers, but she was too strong, I ran to the window, and there she was three floors down, on the side walk, she must have fallen. It saddened me to see her like this. I rushed to her side and when I saw she was unconscious, I brought her to the hospital. I had stayed with her for three days and nights, but she didn't look like she was getting better, the doctor told me to go home and get clean stuff, that he'd set up a bed for me, but when I got back the hospital was in an uproar. Jinx had disappeared. No one saw her, and no one knew where she was. Now she's back, I hope she can remember a loved one.


Ahhhhhhhhh! I woke with a start, I dreamt I was falling, and I didn't stop. I had hit the cement, but I felt like I was just watching from a far, a guy came, he seemed to know me, he kissed my hair, he even was bringing me to a hospital, was this the future or the past, I had dreams like this before, it was usually a sight to the future. I seemed to know what would happen next, was this the fall everyone told me happened, but why wasn't I at the Hive 5 HQ, that's where I fell, right? But this all seemed so familiar, the guy's scent, his hair, oh! I know the shock of orange, I always will know it. I seemed to be in a coma, and he waited, but when he left I awoke, where was I running to? Oh, the Hive 5 HQ, it had to be, but why did all this seem so familiar. My dreams scared me, I saw all the missing pieces from the previous year, what I didn't understand, it was all explained, but if this was what happened, the Hive 5 were lying to me. Why would they do that? I knew, my mind was telling me, I had left them, over five years ago, it was simple. As I was pondering the question why it was all so familiar, a light came on, and the room I was in seemed so familiar, why, it was the same room I fell out of. There were my old paintings that the Hive 5 claimed I threw out in a rage, I knew I wouldn't throw them out, and who was that in the chair? The hair, that beautiful red hair. It was him, the one who cared for me.


She awoke from a bad dream, she was screaming, I was so nervous to tell her what was going on, she might think I was trying to hurt her, I could never hurt her, she was just too beautiful, I had thought she died, she didn't commit crime anymore, she did nothing for the past year. As I turned on a light, she saw me, she seemed to know me.

"Thank You!"

She scared me, was this really her? I thought she didn't remember.

"For what?"

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