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"You know, you should just say it," Cheshire said nonchalantly, glancing at her perfectly manicured nails as she leaned against the wall of the prison cell they were in. A few feet from her, Jinx stewed in anger. Pink hexes would have danced across her shoulders if it wasn't for the power inhibitor surrounding the cage. "It'll make things go so much faster."

"You and I can handle this by ourselves." Jinx said through gritted teeth.

Cheshire yawned behind her mask, though she still put on the act of covering her 'mouth'. "Yes, but like I said, it'll make things go much faster and I'd like to get out of here as soon as possible."

"Got a hot date with Speedy?" Jinx smirked and Cheshire rolled her eyes.

"He wishes."

"Oops, there goes your chance then." Jinx mocked, tossing her hair over her shoulder. One of the metal bands had been broken during the fight and rather than looking ridiculous with just one horn, she had let her hair down. "If you actually had some meaningful plans after this, I would have done it, but nope. Guess it's just up to us and the hard way."

"...that was weak, especially for you." Cheshire stood up with her hands on her hips. "What's so bad about doing it?"

"Because," Jinx returned to the whole gritting her teeth thing because it was better than physically trying to destroy the cage since it would just hurt her hands. "I am not some stupid damsel in distress who needs saving. I can handle myself!"

"Darling, this isn't being a damsel," Cheshire purred and sauntered up to Jinx, placing her arm on her shoulder and leaning on her. "This is using your feminine wiles to manipulate people."

"Right," Jinx shoved Cheshire off and the black haired girl chuckled lightly. "You're just saying that because you want to see it happen."

"After hearing the glorified stories from Starfire and Bumblebee, yes, I do." Cheshire said with a wide unseen grin on her face. "And you have to admit, it is pretty cute."

"Shut up." Jinx grumbled, crossing her arms moodily. She shifted her weight from foot to foot, her eyes downcast in conflicted contemplation, before she heaved out a heavy sigh. It was better than staying any longer in this cage. "...fine, but never again after this. This is the last time."

"Admit it, you find it endearing."

"...do you want me to do it or not?"

Cheshire raised her hands up in mock-surrender. "Go for it. Don't mind me."

Jinx groaned and then looked at the ground, her fingers curled into tight fists. This was so humiliating. "....Kid Flash... help..."

She spoke in the tiniest voice possible... and through the gritted teeth thing again too! No one could have heard it, not even Superman! And yet, the tell-tale signs of the rumbling ground could be seen and heard. Jinx covered her face, to hide from the humiliation... but she still peeked between her fingers just as the wall exploded and a mini-tornado made up of the colors red and gold entered, screaming her name out for the world to hear.


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