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It's dinner time in the West home. Wally has noticed that Jinx has been unusually irritable today, but chalked it up to pregnancy hormones. The speedster decided to cheer his young wife up by surprising her with dinner. While Jinx was on her laptop in the study her husband made dinner: her favorite lasagna with a side salad. After 2 hours on the computer, Jinx finally came out of the study and walked into the kitchen to see what smelled so good.

"Oh, good. You're just in time for dinner, Jinxy." Wally commented to his wife, after he finished setting the table.

Jinx walked to her chair with a now slightly displeased expression on her face.

"Please don't call me 'Jinxy'. It sounds like a cat's name." She complained as she started filling the plate in front of her.

"Duly noted." Was his only response, not wanting to irritate her more. A moment passed of the couple just eating in silence before he broke the ice: "So speaking of names, have you-".

"I'd rather not talk about it right now." Jinx interrupted him mid-sentence, looking at the food on her plate to avoid making eye contact with him.

"Oh, okay." Wally responded, he figured she probably wanted to wait until they knew if it was a boy or a girl. "Well, what about the study?" he continued.

"What about it?" She asked.

"What color were you thinking of painting it?" The speedster asked.

"I didn't know we planned on painting it." The sorceress countered.

"Well, I thought that was going to be the nursery. Unless you want the baby to sleep in our room for the first couple of months, which I'm totally fine with if that's what you want." Wally considered, not sure what Jinx's plans were.

"I already told you: I don't want to talk about it right now." Jinx retorted.

"You said you didn't want to talk about baby names right now." The speedster replied.

"I just don't want to talk about the baby right now, okay?" The sorceress blurted out in frustration.

Wally was confused and sat in silence for a few moments contemplating: 'Why was she so angry tonight? Did I do something wrong? Why didn't she want to talk about the baby? Is she okay? Is the baby okay? Did something happen that she's not telling me? '

"Jinx, is everything alright?" He finally asked, trying to appear calm as he helped himself to another serving of lasagna.

"Everything's fine." She said in a flat tone, slowly picking at her dinner.

"The baby's okay and everything, right?" The sorceress's husband asked with concern in his voice.

Jinx just stood up with an annoyed look on her face.

"I'm not hungry anymore." She proclaimed as she tried to calmly walk out of the kitchen towards their bedroom.

This frightened Wally and he ran to their room to block the doorway before she could lock herself in, as she often did when she was upset. Though he beat her to their bedroom door, she pushed him out of the way before walking over to her side of the bed to lie down. The pink sorceress tried to avoid her husband, who proceeded to sit next to her on his side of the bed.

"Jinx, what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything." Wally tried to comfort her. "Did we lose the baby?" He asked softly as an attempt to keep his voice from breaking.

"No, the baby's fine for now." She said with an irritated voice. "Just leave me alone!"

Wally was relieved to hear that their child was okay. However he couldn't help but think about her response. "What do you mean 'the baby's fine for now'?" he questioned the pink sorceress.

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