Married with the Kids

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“Is she dead?” the young and familiar voice of a 4-year-old whispered in the dark

“No, I don’t think so” another female voice, 6 years old, responded to her sister

“But we’ve been poking them for ever and they won’t wake up” the little one complained

“Well they have to get up sometime”

“Sarah, Hope, what are you doing in here?” their brother crept in, whispering like his sisters, but trying not to wake his parents up.

“Oh relax Kid big mouth” the older sister, Sarah told him “We need to get them up”

“Let them sleep” their 8-year-old brother ordered

“Yeah, let us sleep” her husband mumbled, causing her to mentally slap herself in the face. Why would he do that? She thought, then they know we’re awake.

Jinx threw her pillow over her head before Hope could yell “DADDY’S AWAKE!!!!” and pounce on him, making him groan. “Daddy we have to go get ready” she leaned down and whispered in his ear

“What time is it?” he groaned, rubbing his eyes

“Dad, it’s almost 11” his son told him informatively, making both his parents jolt awake

“What?” Jinx shouted, quickly sitting up and looking at her clock. Yep, it was 10:50, which meant that she and her husband, mostly her, had 10 minutes to get ready and go help with setting up, or else Kory, the wife of their billionaire friend, Richard (Dick) Grayson, would be knocking on their door until they got up, and if that didn’t work, the alien princess would use other means to get them up.

Today was their yearly Block Party and since half the block were superheroes, like herself and her red-headed husband, you would think it would be easy. But their leader, Nightwing, aka Dick Grayson, wanted them to do it without their powers. “Kids, go help and tell Aunt Kole that we’ll be out in a few minutes” she ordered to her kids, and they nodded and left. Jinx jumped out of bed and grabbed some ‘work clothes’: a pair of jeans that she could easily move in, tennis shoes, a pair of socks and an old shirt that had some paint on it from when Sarah and Lucas had their little colorful war. She disappeared into the bathroom for a few minutes but when she came out, her hair was in a messy ponytail and she was dressed and ready to work. Unfortunately, she couldn’t say the same about her husband. He was still in bed with the pillow over his head. “Wally” she said, walking toward their bed. “Wally, you have to get up” she sat beside him rubbing his back. He still didn’t move. “Wally, don’t make me hex you out of bed” she smirked as he shot out of bed and zipped around the room, grabbing a pair of pants, a torn shirt from when Roy got mad at him and shot an arrow in his side, you could still see his scar, and his favorite vans and socks.

“Let’s go slow poke” he said before zooming out of their room. It made Jinx smile at his playfulness, but she sighed, shaking her head as she got up and walked out of their room, closing the door behind her. This is going to be a good day she thought as she walked out of her two story mansion style home that had six bedrooms, an office, laundry room, huge kitchen with a dining room table, breakfast-nook and an open living room. Why they had so much room for a family of 5, she had no clue, but that was what Wally wanted and that’s what most of their friends had. Granted, most of them were high paid government officials, CEO’s, movie stars, etc. by day and superheroes by night. Wally was a main scientist at Star Labs and she, herself, was a professor at the nearby University, mostly Fables, Tales and Mythology. High paying jobs, yes, but her other friends lived normal lived.

Angel and Wykyd had quit the Villain business to start a normal family, just as C-more did when he met Mirage. Both couples were ‘out of the game’ as C-more called it, but there was no doubt that their kids would take their parents powers or have powers of their own and someday, just like all of their children, theirs would have to make a decision on whether or not to become a hero. Only some of the children had gotten their powers. Out of the total 29 kids, only 13, so far, had gotten their powers; Azura and Bruce Grayson, Murdoc and Kylie Logan, Lucas, Ruby Wilson, Mathew Duncan, Amara Salgado, Alandra and Adam Watkins, Callie Brookes, Gabrielle Kent and Sydney Kovar.

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