Thank you for Saving my Skin

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I sighed and turned around.

"What do you want now?" I asked, slightly surprised to find my face little more than an inch away from his. I took a step back, both out of shock and just so I could see him better.

"You knew I was there?" His icy blue eyes looked slightly confused.

"Oh come on Kid Flash," I said, laughing. "Just because you run fast doesn't mean you're quiet." I tousled his already ruffled hair. "And do you ever comb this mop of fur?"

"No," He said, smiling that annoyingly innocent yet cocky smile that always made my heart beat about a mile a minute. "And to answer your first question, I just wanted to give you this." He held out another one of those signature red roses.

I chuckled softly as I took it from him. The roses, though there had been many, just never seemed to get old. I had filled an entire salad bowl with all the ones he had given me so far. Luckily I had triple-bolted my door so none of the HIVE Five guys would know I still had them, and that I was still getting them.

"They're lame, aren't they?"

I looked up from the flower and into his face. His smile had turned down into a slight pout, and his eyes no longer twinkled with his usual spark of happiness.

"What?" I asked, and felt a slight frown of confusion crease my brow as I tucked the flower into my belt.

"The roses," He said with a sigh. "You can tell me, Jinx. They're lame."

"No they're not!" I said, laughing at the look on his face. "I love these roses. They remind me of you when I'm stuck at the awful HIVE headquarters. Trust me, if I had somewhere else to go, I'd be there in a heartbeat. Sometimes I feel like I'm not gonna make it, and then I just look over at all those flowers and it makes me feel like it'll all be worth it."

He pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly after I finished this little speech. I felt my cheeks burn as he did so, and suddenly felt very awkward about what I had just said.

"Trust me, it will be worth it," He said, smiling as he released me. "All the time you spend in the HIVE will help us in the end."

"I know," I said as the two of us began walking together. "It's just that it's so hard not to slip up when I'm talking to the guys, See-More especially. He's actually semi-normal."

Kid Flash laughed at this comment. I love it when I make him laugh. His whole face lights up, and the laughter is just infectious. It's impossible to keep a smile off your face when he laughs.

"So, any new news from the Brotherhood?" He asked as the two of us kept walking. I could tell that he thought this walking was unbearably slow; it was so obvious he was just itching to break into a run.

"Nothing," I said, shrugging. "I guess Madame Rouge is still ticked that I let you go."

"Yeah, thanks again for that one," He said, stopping in his tracks and bowing.

"This is only, what, the millionth time you've thanked me?" I asked, laughing as we continued our walk. "Come on, Kid Flash, I wouldn't let her have anyone after she hit me across the face."

"Oh, so the fact that it was me had nothing to do with it?" He asked, making huge puppy eyes and smiling. I frowned slyly, grabbed part of his mask, and pulled it up over his head.

"Hey!" He said, in a voice slightly muffled from the fabric.

"Of course it had something to do with it, Kid Flash!" I said exasperatedly. "And you need a nickname."

"I can't be Flash," He said, straightening his mask. "That name's taken."

"Fine," I said, rolling my eyes. "You do know that it would sound better without the 'Kid' in front of it. 'The Flash' sounds so much cooler. But, since you just can't be called that, I guess I'll just have to brainstorm."

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