Alone 3

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Raven paced around, her image would flicker somewhat as she moved. "For weeks we thought you were dead, it wasn't until clues started coming up that we finally realized what happened to you. Based on what happened with Starfire some time ago, we came up with a plan."

"Wait-Wait, Starfire? This happened to her too?"

Raven chuckled. "Like I said, you're one of us now. She tried to stop a thief from the future and wound up being hurtled twenty years forward."

"You're saying that this-" Jinx gestured to the world outside a nearby window. "This is what twenty years in the future looks like?"

"You….haven't traveled twenty years, Jinx. The tower has a record of the last time you entered the premises."


"It's more like twenty…two?" Jinx was not only not convinced but now also irritated. "….thousand." The pink haired girl quite nearly suffered a heart attack. Her knees gave out and she fell onto a bed. "Jinx…"

"Twenty-two thousand years?!"

"Give or take a millennia."

"This can't be happening-this CANNOT be happening!" shouted Jinx.

"I really wish I had better news for you," said Raven apologetically. Jinx wiped her eyes dry and stood up, taking in a deep breath as she went.

"Okay….okay, you said something about a plan right?"

Raven smiled again. "Yes, you and I are about to change thirty years of sad history." Jinx furrowed her brow. "I'm going to send you home, Jinx." The purple haired young one could hardly keep her excitement contained.

"Home…y-y-you mean….through time right?" The holographic Raven rolled her eyes.

"Well of course, how do you think we're going to get you home? The 9am bus?" Jinx folded her arms, now looking miffed. "Oh forgive me; I've just been on ice for so long. Come on, this way." Raven walked out of sickbay, her image flickering as she did. Jinx soon joined her in the hall and they began walking.

"Where are we going?"

"Sub-Basement 2," replied Raven. "Like I said, we can send you on your way but it's a risky business. For it to work properly there have to be precise atmospheric and polar anomalies occurring."

Jinx continued to find herself amazed. "So you're telling me that you all built a time machine… actually built a time machine?"

"And let me tell you it's not an easy thing to manage, took about thirty years to put the finishing touches on it."

"How did you do this, all of this?" asked Jinx wondrously. Raven slowly stopped walking, presumably to catch her breath and again her likeness flickered. She then continued on after a moment of heavy breathing. Jinx followed at her side.

"Well we didn't start off on it right away. I'm really sorry to say that Kid Flash was the only one who didn't immediately think you were a goner." This did dispirit Jinx somewhat, but it was still uplifting to hear that…..he didn't give up on her. "He really didn't talk much for a while either."

"Ow! Ohhh…..e-everyone? Is anyone okay?" Following Starfire, everyone was soon either sitting or back on their feet. Gnarrk used himself as a shield by completely wrapping himself around Kole, thus she was unharmed. Raven helped Robin upright, a gesture he promptly thanked her for. Robin dusted his gloves off and noticed Kid Flash standing before a smoking crater. The boy wonder approached him from behind and hung his head.

"I'm sorry." Kid Flash barely heard him. He blocked out everyone and everything except for the blackened hole before him, and the new yellow communicator in his hand…the one he had planned on giving Jinx just hours ago. Robin glanced back at the now silenced speedster.

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