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Night had never seemed so long until Jinx met Kid Flash. Now, waiting for him to return from the patrols he did in the city made every minute agonizingly tedious. She didn't know whether it was a yearning for his presence, or a worry of what might happen to him. This, of course, was an unsettling thing for the bad luck witch.

Jinx had worked long and hard at building a shell around herself, one impenetrable to any comers. Neither a magical shield nor a literal one. It was pure emotion and self-will drawn together by a scared little girl with no idea of who she was or even what she could be. After her abilities were showcased quite beautifully in the car crash that took both her parents' lives, Jinx had immediately disappeared into "the system". When she bothered to look around, her vision clear of grief, she found herself enrolled in H.I.V.E., and that story was one you already know.

Jinx looked around the dim apartment, and stood, walking to the kitchen, not bothering to turn on the lights. She had excellent night vision, honed specifically for her through various treatments at Brother Blood's urging. Since Jinx had never had another life than H.I.V.E., Blood had often looked upon her as a pet project. Delegated over and perfected with time, until she had become what he deemed "acceptable". Much to Jinx's delight, she'd failed too many times at usurping the Titans to ever have been "perfect".

Jinx was flawed, not a villain, not a hero, and stuck in a terrible abyss between the two. The only light she had to this waiting for an answer, be it heaven-sent or hell, was Kid Flash. He was there for her when her mood dipped low and made everything seem like the end of the world. When the Titans came over for the "hanging out", he made sure that she didn't slink off, and instead forced her to stick around, and make the Titans get to know her.

Truthfully, one of the Titans already knew her very well, and Kid Flash didn't entirely approve. Cyborg, or "Stone" as her mind was wont to call him, had been one of the few Titans to actually welcome her to the "side of good". He'd made a point to take her aside and tell her that he was very proud of her and what she'd done. Kid Flash made a point of retrieving her from the cozy interaction and keeping her at his side for the rest of the night.

She'd loved it. Every second of that night, the night after the destruction of the Brotherhood of Evil, the night after they all kicked Dr. Light's ass, the night after she finally and completely cut off all her ties to that part of her life; and she'd loved it completely. She and Bumblebee, both H.I.V.E. graduates, had come to an understanding, and even might be friends. The same could be said for Starfire and Argent. Jinx had friends, who believed she could be a hero.

Like Kid, they believed in her and it was more than she'd ever thought to expect when she'd walked down that alley and away from the life of crime. She'd envisioned hard days and long nights filled with fighting and desperation. She'd pictured an empty apartment and a hard job. She'd never thought to imagine that Kid Flash would invite her into his apartment, and his life.

Kid Flash, or as he told her to call him when they were home "Wally", was at this very moment rushing through the door and slamming it shut behind him. Jinx ignored his entrance in favor of perusing the crowded refrigerator, searching for something resembling food.

Wally, fresh off a mugging, two fires, and an attempted murder, was high on the adrenaline, and working to suppress the instincts that warred with his better instincts. Understand that for boys, adrenaline spurred testosterone, which in turn, spurred hormones. All of that equals that a big fight scene equals big lust scene. It wasn't something he could help, and given all the adrenaline it took for him to speed around the city all the time, could anyone be surprised just how lusty his thoughts usually were?

He'd hidden it, though, from his new roommate. Wally hadn't wanted to make a move, fearful that she'd get skittish and run back to her old life. After reading the briefings the Titans had left on the H.I.V.E. Five, and seeing her in person, he'd been more than convinced that she was something interesting. Something intriguing and his curiosity had demanded he satiate it.

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