names part 4

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Jinx’s eyes fluttered open before she screamed at the sight of the piercing blue eyes staring down at her. She sat up quickly and almost banged her head against Kid Flash’s chin if it wasn’t for his speed. Catching her breath, she clutched onto her speeded heart before chucking her pillow at him with an angry glare. “What the hell are you doing in here, Kid Flash? How did you get in here anyways?”

“Did I ever tell you how adorable you look while you’re asleep?” he inquired sweetly and Jinx froze, her instincts going haywire that there was something seriously wrong with him.

“...are you drunk?” she deadpanned before shaking her head. “No, wait, never mind, unless you drank like a gallon of vodka, you don’t get drunk. Did you hit your head then? Or did you get into a fight with someone with magic or telepathic powers?”

“Huh? No, no, no spell! And no mind-control!” Kid Flash rushed, feeling a little hurt that she thought he needed to be under a spell or something to have to compliment her. He hadn’t been lying when he said that she looked cute when she slept... it had been a long time since he had seen that face, actually. He then tried to grin at her, one hand rubbing the back of his neck. “I mean, there’s nothing wrong with a guy complimenting his girlfriend, right?”

“Right,” Jinx said, narrowing her eyes. Except said boyfriend rarely complimented her these days, other than the boyfriend duties during their rare ‘dates’. She sighed, running a hand through her messy pink hair. “Look, if this is about the whole Robin thing, then-.”

“It has nothing to do with that,” he said rushed vehemently. “I just thought it would be nice to... you know... spend some quality time with my girlfriend since I rarely get to see you with me being in Central and everything.”

“...right,” Jinx would have arched an eyebrow skeptically if she had one. Instead, she crawled out from under her blanket and headed over to her closest to change out of her shorts and tank-top. Kid Flash’s eyes followed her, especially the long-tantalizing legs that were revealed by... were those his boxers? When had she-? ...oh, it was from the time before she had gotten a room in Titan’s tower and she had stayed over his temporary apartment in Jump.

Now that he thought about it, when was the last time he had actually been in Jinx’s room like this? If he looked around, there were some things he didn’t remember her having in here. In fact, now that he had a good look of her bookshelf, her collection of sketchbook seemed to have grown! When the heck did that happen? In the past, he would always go rummaging through them without Jinx’s permission, teasing her about her drawings while she’d try to strangle him.

He disappeared in a blur from her bed and towards the bookshelf, pulling out one of the newer looking sketchbooks. His eyes widened in surprise. “Hey, these are really good.”

Jinx’s head popped out from the closest and she frowned. “Don’t look at those!”

“No, I’m serious, these are really nice. A total upgrade from the unicorns.” He said with a grin, instinctively dodging the hex aimed for his head. Kid Flash dodged the next set of angry sparks as he flipped through the pages. “Wow, you’ve improved a lot in such a short amount of time.”

“Actually,” Jinx popped up in front of him without warning and snatched the sketchbook away. Silly boy, the hexes had only been a diversion for her to get close to him, “I’ve been taking classes and it hasn’t been a short amount of time.”

“Classes?” he echoed blankly. “Since when?”

“Since a little over a month ago.” She glanced at the sketchbook before closing it. “Before that, I browsed through some books and stuff online.”

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