Not tonight

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I'm going to be late.

This is all because of that stupid job I decided I had to get "to support myself". Why am I so unreasonable?

8:42. I start to speed walk home. 8:46. Huh. I make good time when properly motivated. I grab my sketchbook, and head to The Tree.

The Tree … The first time I'd spoken to Kid Flash after the Madame Rouge fiasco.

The time I'd done some silly things to get his attention. Good times.

8:54. I huff. I'm here! I sit.

I know, I know! I am so very sad. Waiting at a tree, at night, pretending to sketch, while really trying to see if he'll be here.

Normally I'm disappointed.

Not tonight.

"You haven't called." He says, accusingly. He walks out of the shadow of a nearby tree.

"Um. Busy. Got a job. Have a life." He's here! I do a happy dance in my head.

"Yet you come out to a … random tree every night, close to nine?"

"Sketching. Wait, how do you know?"

"I've been watching you." He smirks. "I suppose the light is good at this time?" He has this amazing crooked grin on his face.


"Uh huh. Anyway, you owe me – for not calling. Come on, let's go." He offers me a hand. I stare at it.

"Where are we going?" I ask nervously.

"We're going on a date. Any objections?" He grins like I would never dare to object. He's right, of course, but it never hurt anyone to put up a tough front.

"Why?" I'm too baffled for that tough front.

"Because I like you."

Wow. This is a nice change from the usual. From what I see in chick flicks, the guys are "cagey" and never express emotions. Quick, Jinx! Say something sarcastic to deflect attention.

"What, no rose?" I ask, sarcastically. Yes!

He grins and holds out two roses. "One for last time."

"Thanks." I say. It's intended to come out sarcastic but it comes out soft … and like I actually like the roses. Well, I do, but that's beside the point.

He grins devilishly. Sometimes, I swear, he knows what I'm thinking.

He starts walking.

"Where are we going? Wouldn't we get there faster if you ran?" I try to match his pace.

"You'll see. My kind of running is a little unpleasant the first time … let's wait until the second date, shall we?" He grins at me.

"There isn't going to be a second. There isn't even a first!" Please, please, don't take me seriously.

"You're already walking with me." He points out. "Aren't you – even a little – curious about where I'm taking you?" He looks at me imploringly.

I'm going to admit it to myself. Yeah, I am. He flashes me a smile, showing teeth.

I did it again, didn't I? I said something I thought out loud. It's seriously not my fault. It's his presence that gets me all nervous.

"So," he says, "How's Jump City High School treating you?" I gape at him. How could he possibly know that I enrolled in JCHS in time for sophomore year, and that I've actually been going to school?

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