Alone 4

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Jinx stepped into sickbay, just as she predicted it was quiet and empty. "Raven?" It took a good minute but Raven did appear beside her. It happened so quickly that Jinx nearly jumped out of her skin. "Could you not do that right next to me?"
"Sorry, it's a bit random. Do you need something?" Jinx took a seat on a nearby bed.

"Tell me everything."

"Everything?" Jinx nodded confidently.

"Yes. You guys didn't build that thing all in one night. I have a day and half here still so I want the whole story."

"I guess that's fair," agreed the old and tired Raven.

"Good, now what happened to Wally?"

"Well like I said, we didn't know where he was for months. Then one day, out of nowhere, he just showed up."

You're not going to have too many off days as a Titan but when they do come it's not really all that great. We can rarely plan to have a day off so normally we end up being bored out of our skulls. The day Wally returned was just such a day. I suppose criminals decided that had had enough for a day, so they did nothing. Much to Robin's dismay we couldn't really apprehend a known criminal unless they actually committed a crime.

I say upon my corner of the couch reading some new vampire story a young fan had shoved into my hands, I think they were planning to make a movie out of it or something. Beast Boy was currently being nursed by Starfire as during training he had suffered a…well…serious injury.

"It is a hang nail," said Starfire irksomely. Beast Boy moaned pitifully.

"Are you sure, it hurts really bad…"

"I think you will make a full recovery," she said rising from his side. Cyborg couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he retrieved a generous snack from the fridge. Raven glanced over her book at him and rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious dudes, this totally stings!"

Raven slammed her book shut. "You go through worse things fighting dangerous criminals on a daily basis. Put a band aid on it." In a huff, Beast Boy took flight from the common room in search of said band aid. Not long after he left Robin returned from the obstacle course outside. He seemed quite winded and dabbed his sweating face with a towel.

"Robin! How went your trial through the course of obstacles?!" Asked Starfire brightly. He shrugged.

"Eh, I've done better."

"Hey Rob," called Cyborg. "You're gonna want to see this." The other three present crowded around Cyborg and the metallic teen displayed camera footage of none other than Kid Flash standing at their doorstep. The image was grey and slightly fuzzy but it was without a doubt him.

"Well this is…..unexpected," said Raven with folded arms.

Robin nodded in agreement. "Yeah, so much for boring day. Let him in." Cyborg parted the large doors guarding the entrance and in the blink of an eye Kid Flash was in the common room. He was in their presence before they even turned away from the computer console.

It was a little shocking to see him as he was. At least, I thought so anyway. It was clear he had only slept when he had to and that letting facial hair run amok was not a concern of his. A brown satchel was also slung over his shoulder.

Kid Flash trotted down beside Robin and grasped his shoulders like a madman. "Robin…..I know what happened to Jinx." Robin glanced to his left and right at his friends then carefully removed Wally's hands from him.

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