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Jinx was coming home from a long day. First in the morning she had to deal with Billy Numerous and Mammoth fighting over who got seconds. Then, Gizmo decided it would be "fun" to try and test out his new "invention". You can only guess how that ended, Jinx cleaning everything up. Then, wouldn't you know it… Pillow Fort! With Jinx cleaning it up again obviously. She then finally snapped and yelled at them to clean up their messes and from now on she wasn't helping them anymore… Small attention span, never happened, mess is still there. After that, during their routine heist somehow a silent alarm went off and they had to flee the scene before they could claim anything for their own. Finally, Gizmo and Mammoth had an argument over who was stronger, Mammoth or Gizmo's spider legs. Their little "disagreement" trashed the entire living room, with nobody even caring to clean it up.

"Just my bad luck as usual." She sighed.

That wasn't the worst of it. Just as she entered her room, she found none other than Kid Flash himself lying on her bed.

"Get out, now." She said almost calmly, purple energy flaring at her fingertips.

"Good afternoon to you too." He responded never faltering his smile.

"Most people would consider this stalker-like behavior. Last time I checked, trespassing was illegal."

"Well, I wanted to stop by for a visit, see how you were doing…"

"Is this where you try and convert me again? Well thanks but no thanks, I'm great, now bye."

"What's that?" he asked pointing at something behind her.

"Must you know…" She turned around and didn't see what he was pointing at, but just as she turned back to respond she bumped right into Kid Flash, their noses grazing and she started to fall over. He grabbed her hips to keep her from falling but kept his hands there for the moment.

"What do you think of me anyway? Apart from annoying…" He was looking deep into her eyes, a serious tone occupying his voice.

"Um… what?" She had no idea what he was talking about.

"Well, I was thinking about us…"

"What us?" She asked suspiciously.

"Well, I like you, what can I say. I guess that's the reason I came down today, because I'll stop following you if you really hate me. But, I like the thought of an us…" He was still holding her close and gazing into her eyes dreamily. She pushed him away, rather gently to her surprise.

"You know we could never be anything. You're good. I'm bad… It wouldn't work." She looked down, almost sad.

He started to approach her again, "nobody needs to know. We could keep it a secret."

"What would happen if you caught me in a crime with my team, or something, would you throw me in jail? Let me go? It just doesn't make sense!" She was yelling now.

"I don't care if it makes sense!" He started shouting too. "All I care about is you, I know it sounds tacky, but nothing else matters." He pulled her into his embrace once more, " we can make it work." He whispered the last statement and with that they looked into each others eyes and Jinx silenced him with a kiss.

He pulled her tighter towards him while she tangled her fingers in his hair. His arms always around her hips casually stroking her back. When he slipped his tongue into her mouth, she never thought this would ever happen, but she felt very giddy and light headed.

When she pulled away for air, never letting go of him, she whispered to him, "Finally some quiet." She smiled and brought her hands up to touch her lips gently where his mouth had just been, just to make sure it really happened.

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