Hot n Cold

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A/N: who's fan of Robin and Starfire I made another one shots about Robstar 💓


The young man stood in the shadows of a dark alleyway. He was dressed like he was living in an incredibly cold area, which was unusual since Keystone City was a very warm place to be at any time of the year. He pushed a few strands of reddish hair up under his hood. His eyes were obscured by a blue and white visor, and a white belt with a holstered gun of some description encircled his waist.

"You know what to do, right?" he asked of the blonde-haired girl beside him. She also dressed in clothes more suited for a wintery environment, but her golden coloured clothes were far more fashionable than the blue and white Eskimo style gear her partner was wearing.

She sighed. "Yes, Leo, I know what to do."

"Don't use my real name in public!" he hissed, looking around to see if anyone was listening. He shouldn't have bothered; the alleyway was completely deserted.

"You're paranoid, big bro," said the girl.

"Not paranoid; smart," clarified her brother, finishing his survey of the area.

The girl sighed again. "Whatever, Kid Kold," she said, emphasising his alias.

Beneath his visor, Kid Kold rolled his eyes at his sister's attitude. "You ready?" Kid Kold asked.

She shrugged. "Ready as I'll ever be," she replied.

Kid Kold nodded. "Then let's go. And Ice Kate?"

She glanced at her brother. "Yeah?"

"You focus on grabbing as much as you can; I'll handle the cops."

She nodded. "Okay."

Kid Kold pulled a white sphere out of a pouch in his belt, and pressed a button on the sphere. A blue light started flashing on the sphere, and he rolled it out onto the street. The light started to flash more rapidly, until the sphere beeped once. There was an explosion of freezing cold air, and a white light almost blinded him. When the light faded, the ground was covered in a thin coat of ice.

"Okay, go!" shouted Kid Kold.

Ice Kate nodded and leapt into the air. Ice skates slid out of slots in the bottom of her shoes, and she glided gracefully across the recently formed ice. Kid Kold pulled the gun out of its holster and fired at the reinforced security glass of the jewellery store across the street. A blue beam lanced out from the gun, and a patch of ice formed on the glass. Ice Kate jumped and spiralled through the air like a figure skater, and kicked at the ice patch. The ice shattered, taking the glass with it, and Ice Kate reached through the hole and started reaching for the jewellery. Sirens started to blare before the frozen shards of glass hit the ground.

"Hurry it up over there!" yelled Kid Kold.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" retorted his sister.

More sirens began to wail, and car tires screeched as a police car came down the street. Kid Kold aimed the ice pistol at the cop car and fired. He was aiming for the ground in front of the car, hoping it would cause the car to skid on the ice patch. His shot actually hit the wheel of the car, but the results were the same: the car spun out of control, slamming into the building on the other side of the road. None of the officers inside the car were hurt, though, and they climbed out of the ruined vehicle. He fired at the cops, drawing their attention away from Ice Kate. The cops took shelter behind the ruined car, and started to fire their laser pistols back at him. Thinking quickly, he fired a continuous beam from the ice pistol, forming an ice barricade that he took shelter behind, popping up to take pot-shots at the cops. Most of his shots either missed or hit the police car; he managed to hit one of the police officers, covering him in a thin layer of ice. The cop would thaw out in a few minutes, so he wasn't worried about him dying. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ice Kate back away from the jewellery store, and she began to glide away on her ice skates. Kid Kold pulled another ice grenade out of his belt, and tossed it at the cops. One of the cops swore as it landed by their car, and they ducked behind the vehicle. One of them didn't make it, and was frozen by the bomb; the rest were protected by the car, although said car was now frozen solid. Kid Kold and Ice Kate used the confusion caused by the grenade to their advantage, and ran away like twin bats out of hell.

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