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“Ahh, that stupid boy!”

Jinx stewed in her anger, pink eyes flaring with her volatile emotions. Stupid Kid Flash! Did he really not understand just how not right it was for someone, who already had a girlfriend, to be flirting with every single pretty girl he came across? Could he really not see just how wrong that was? She had caught him for the umpteenth time and instead of yelling at him, she had decided it would be better to just walk away from it.

She had already tried talking to him, but Kid Flash was obviously not going to listen to reason. He didn’t even take her words seriously, laughing cheerfully and saying she was just over-thinking things before zipping away. That or he’d apologize, melting her anger away with a kiss on the cheek.

...she was such a sap.

Ugh, maybe he really didn’t care all that much about her... maybe she was just another pretty face for him to stick with for a few weeks before he switched it up with another girl. Other than when they had first met, he didn’t really compliment her other than the normal boyfriend duties.

Ignoring the hurt, Jinx inhaled deeply before heading to the gym. Maybe a little workout was needed for her to clear her mind. Normally the gymnasium was empty around this time and she liked how spacious the place was, giving her enough room to do as many flips as she wanted. Unfortunately, the thought turned sour when she saw boy blunder spinning around. She made a u-turn to leave when her day got even worse.


She cringed and turned around. “Hey bird brain.”

Robin scowled. “Do you have to call me names all the time?”

“Think of a nickname for me too then, I won’t complain.”

“Alright then, Jinxie,” he said, smirking when she scowled at him.

“You do know Kid Flash calls me that too, right? It’s disturbing if you use the same endearment as my boyfriend, no matter how much the name annoys me.” She said looking disgusted, though internally she winced at the last line. Boyfriend? Yeah, sometimes she wondered about that.

Robin turned a bit green. “Ugh, I think I’m going to hurl. I can’t believe you actually implied that I gave you a term of endearment.”

“Get over it, boy blunder. I hate the thought as much as you do.”

Robin groaned. More nicknames? She never seemed to run out! But wait, if endearment terms made her feel sick... his revulsion turned into a smirk. “Is that all you got, darling?”

Jinx stiffened before she glared at him with unrestrained anger, her eyes glowing pink with rage. “What did you call me?”

“Don’t get so mad, sweetie. After all, we’re already calling each other by pet names.”

“Mine are hateful names!” Jinx snapped, taking a step back with a look of horror on her face. She could practically feel her skin crawling at hearing him calling her that. “Yours... Yours are just plain creepy!”

“What’s wrong, honey?” Robin drawled coolly, leaning against the pommel horse he had been using before Jinx had come in. Now this was a nice change of events. She always ruffled him the wrong way, but for once, it was the other way around. “Can’t take the heat?”

“You’re the one who should watch yourself, funny boy,” she cracked her fingers. Perfect, she had a legal reason to vent her stress and what made it even better was that her punching bag was the pain in the ass Robin.

“Bring it, darling.” He said, raising his arms up as well. Oh good, a spar. He had been getting tired practicing by himself anyways.

“Oh you are so going to pay.” Jinx spoke lowly before the two began to circle each other. When it came to hand-to-hand, Robin definitely had her beat. However, she wasn’t some pushover and her powers were really handy when it came to beating up smart-mouthed birds.

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