Advice from Flash

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Kid Flash was sitting in a small cave on the side of the Rocky Mountains. He had a sad contemplating look accompanying his freckled face. Flash happened to be zooming by when he saw this. He blurred to Wally's side immediately. Something was bothering his apprentice and he would be determined to get to the bottom of it.

"Hey kiddo, what's eating you." Flash inquired with concern clear in his voice.

"Nothing." Kid Flash unconvincingly replied. Flash easily recognized the defeated sad tone in his voice.

"Girl problems, eh." Flash said as he sighed and sat down next to his nephew.

"Yep." West mused.

"Is she super?" Barry questioned. The ginger nodded.(A.N. Barry Allen is a blonde.)

"She'd be super even if she didn't have powers." Wally confided with a dreamy look on his face.

"You've got it bad, don't you." The blonde stated as thou it was fact, which to be fair it probably was.

"It's just... I don't know... She's impossible and amazing and wonderful and she keeps pushing me away but... but it's like she's a drug or something... Yeah, and I'm an addict and... Ugh! I like her so much... It might even be love, but all she does is squash my attempts of seeing if she likes me the same way... That's the worst thing... not knowing."

"What do you mean by 'attempts'" Barry questioned, fearing the worst.

"Well like... On her birthday, a lot of Titans got her presents. I noticed that a lot of the gifts didn't have names on them, so I bought her a diary and didn't label who it was from. Only she was too smart. I went into her room when, she was out, to look for the diary."

"Wally!" Barry yelled. Wallace cringed.

"Sorry, but I just had to know." Barry sighed and muttered something close to 'continue'. "Okay, so I looked all over and I couldn't find it. I went to open one of her drawers, only it was locked. I was all-like 'Aha, see Jinx you're not as smart as you think you are' because Dick (A.N. Now, now kids grow up Dick is a perfectly normal name. It could be worse you know, he could of been named Dicky. *shutter*) had given me a lock-pick long before. Only she had tricked me because I open the drawer and sure enough there was a diary and- hold on, I'll be right back." Kid Flash jumped up and zoomed back home grabbed the diary and ran back.

Flash looked quizzically at him.

"What, she gave it back."

Barry put his hands up in defense and responded with "I didn't say anything."

Wally muttered a 'Yeah, but you thought it'. Kid Flash's mentor glared. "Annnnyway," Kid Flash started, ignoring the deadly glare he was receiving. "I was so excited. And I didn't want to miss anything so I read it in a normal pace. Here look what she wrote."

Dear Diary,

Ever since I joined the Teen Titans. Things have been weird with me and myself. I'd hate to admit it but I think I have a crush on someone. Someone in the Teen Titans. His name is...


Look on the next page...

Barry, reluctantly, turned the page and smirked.


Wally was in a spread eagle pose on the cave ground. He huffed. "Any advice?"

"Oh, this is easy." Barry answered.

"It is?" Kid Flash questioned in astonishment.

"Yep." Flash answered whilst standing up.

"Well, what do I have to do?" Barry's nephew eagerly begged.

"Simple. Don't read other people's diaries." With that Flash raced off to wherever he was heading previously

Wally laid back down and sighed.

"I'm doomed."

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