Good luck... rose?

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A/N I deleted the words of the broken heart cause I don't want sad ending tho xD I change it into better one.

"HIVE Five, you know the drill. Most valuable items first," Jinx commanded from her position in the alley behind the Jump City Museum of Archives. Placing her dainty hand on her equally proportional waist, she stared at the faces of her other team members. It had been months since they successfully infiltrated any establishment and by that point, she was practically drooling at the thought of taken a prized jewel and making a decent penny on it.

"This time, those crud munching Teen Titans won't be able to stop us," Gizmo, the supposed "boy genius" snickered. His eyes that always seemed to be in a permanent smirk looked at her quickly and he began typing into his hand held computer system.

Billy Numerous chuckled before duplicating himself and giving his clone a high five. Some would assume that this would get annoying to deal with as time went on. They would be right. One Billy was bad enough, but fourteen of them? It was enough to drive anybody up the wall.

Kyd Wykyd stood there stiff as a board, letting no bit of emotion come across his face. Go figure. He definitely was more of the suffer in silence type. Or enjoy in silence. Basically, he was just silent.

Jinx resisted the urge to roll her cat-like eyes at the idiocy of the people she had the displeasure of calling her teammates. "Gizmo, you're sure the security system is disbanded, right?"

"Of course I'm sure, I'm not a snot brain. Besides, this system was a piece of cake. Mammoth could design a better system in his sleep," Gizmo sneered. Mammoth, who had just finished eating a taco from the nearest vendor, glared at Gizmo.

"Hey!" He rumbled, causing everyone to shhh him. His attempt to be intimidating was sabotaged by the fact that he had sour cream on his face. Only I would get stuck with a team so utterly moronic, Jinx thought. Trying to force down the urge to hex them all into oblivion, she pointed her finger down to the back door. It was time to begin the attack.

The team nodded before heading to an inconspicuous side door which was mostly hidden by overgrown weeds. Every couple of seconds, See-More would sneeze and his eye would pop out of his head. Truthfully, that's probably where the myth about "if you don't close your eyes when you sneeze, you'll lose an eye" came from.

Leaping forward into an elegant handspring, she glided her way down the dank alleyway and towards the rear entrance to the building. The entire building was older than most of the buildings in Jump City, except for the library. It was a wonder that the entire building wasn't falling apart considering how easily the library collapsed the year prior.

Once she reached the back door, she couldn't help but chuckle at how easy this was going to be. No security system, no warehouse doors and the Titans helping Titans East on a mission in Steel City left their very own city open to crime. And Jinx wasn't one to pass up on good opportunities.

Channeling her magic, she focused her hex on the doorknob and with no time spared, the knob shattered into shards of metal so small they resembled golden snowflakes. She shoved her hand against the door until it creaked open slowly, which would cause an accelerated nervousness in most thieves, but not her. She had her eyes on the prize and refused to be distracted by such insignificant pests.

Speaking of pests, her team busted threw the side door at just that moment. Mammoth must of broken down the door, because the sound of splitting wood and hinges detaching from the wall echoed all throughout the museum.

Jinx's eyes began to glow in fury, a resilient pink that matched the horns she styled her hair into. Trying to resist making anymore unnecessary noise, she marched to the rest of her team as stealthily as she could manage.

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