names part 2

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Jinx took a sip of her soda, internally twitching as she sat in front of Starfire who hadn’t spoke a word during their entire shopping spree. It was something Starfire dragged Jinx out to do once a week since Raven wasn’t the shopping type and honestly speaking, she kind of enjoyed the cheerful alien girl’s presence -though she’d never admit it out loud, even if threatened to have all her teeth pulled out with no anesthesia. She was a little bubbly and over-bearing sometimes, but talking to Starfire showed Jinx that she was more than just the supposed air-headed teen with the occasional insight that everyone made her out to be.

...just as Raven had her girly moments, moments Raven had made Jinx swore under pain of torture to never reveal to anyone.

Living with the Titans sure revealed parts of them no one ever would have thought about.

“Okay, that’s it,” Jinx shoved her soda away. “What’s going on, Star?”

“I-I do not know what you mean,” Starfire was fidgeting now, toying with her hair.

“We’ve been at the mall for the last two hours and I know if you were right in the head, you would have flown after that really nice blouse at the last store or those shoes in the previous one. Instead, you’ve been walking this entire time. Walking, not flying. Walking.” Jinx tapped her fingers on the table expectantly. “What’s wrong?”

“I do not mean to be a burden,” by now, Starfire was tugging at her hair and Jinx felt an eyelid twitch. She was just not cut out for this whole talking-with-feelings thing. Fortunately for her, she didn’t need to say more since Starfire continued to speak. “I have just heard... the rumors.”

“Rumors? What rumors?” Jinx asked calmly. There were plenty of stories about her that circulated, whether it was amongst the Titans or the civilians. They knew of her sordid past and because of that, wild stories tended to come out of that.

“Is it true,” Starfire hesitated, “that friend Jinx and Robin are doing... the dating?”

It took a moment for Starfire’s words to register in Jinx’s head, her eyes widened to comical proportions. After all, there was no way Starfire could be asking such a preposterous question... right? Right?! And where could such a story have originated? Everyone knew Jinx and Robin despised each other! What was wrong with the world?

Unfortunately, Starfire took Jinx’s silence as confirmation. She bowed her head, her hair slightly covering her face. “...I se-.”

“Starfire,” Jinx began slowly, stuck in a state of disbelief because of how utterly moronic the question was. She then slammed her hands onto the table, causing all the contents to shake as she spoke through gritted teeth. “Robin and I are not doing... ugh... the dating... we never have and we never will. Hell will freeze over before the possibility can be even considered. Trigon will return and actually succeed in taking over the world before blunder-breath and I will even consider doing that! And we will never bring this up again for the rest of our lives, am I clear?”

Though delighted by the fact that Jinx had refuted the rumors, Starfire looked concerned by how red Jinx’s face was getting. “Are you-?”

“Am I clear?” Jinx practically snarled, her knuckles popping out because of how tightly she was clenching her fist.

Starfire giggled a little nervously since pink sparks were dancing across Jinx’s hand. “Of course, if that is what you wish.”

Jinx sighed. She was going to need a bucket of ice cream later to forget all this... a lot of buckets. “So now that this... misunderstanding is fixed, you want to go check out those shoes again?”

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