Alone 2

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Before Jinx was, without a doubt Jump City, but it was completely and entirely abandoned. The setting sun produced a reddish glow over the thousands of failing buildings. Vines and foliage made their home on any surface they could find, mainly up along the building walls. Tall grass and wheat grew up from the cracked asphalt of the streets. Hundreds of earthen mounds scattered throughout were actually cars which ended up buried over by a renegade earth. And off in the distance, windows cracked and looking decrepit and worn, was Titans Tower. Jinx's stare continued to pan around at the city, wondering what was happening to her. One thing was for sure; there was not a single other human being in sight.

Jinx took a few blind steps forward. Her negligent attitude toward the terrain caused her to almost loose her footing several times. It was impossible. How could she have gone from deep underground to some random house overlooking the city? As Jinx's mind raced she began to wonder if she was still on the same planet or, for that matter, the same dimension. Her right hand wandered upward until she reached her neck so she could lightly scratch it.

"Oh no," she muttered. It was about that time that the possibility that it was just a horrible nightmare was slipping away. She was not unconscious or dreaming, she was lost and alone. The newcomer heroine took two more steps and her left foot sank through the earth. "AHH!" A sharp pain resonated up and down her leg; she knew well that she had cut herself. She paused where she fell for a moment, shaking and taking many quick breaths. Oddly enough, the hole she fell through felt perfectly rectangular. An eerie feeling of liquid moving down her leg confirmed her suspicions about her injury. Very slowly and carefully, Jinx lifted her leg out of the hole. Sure enough, when her leg was fully in view, she saw a long cut from her shin up to her knee. She heard the sounds of crinkling glass and came to the conclusion that she had, among many of the covered automobiles, stepped upon one with a weakened sunroof.

Jinx groaned irritably, "Great." Her next task was to look around for anything immediate that she could use to cover her wound. Unfortunately there was nothing, leaving Jinx with the only option of using a piece of her own clothing. After staggering to her feet, Jinx limped the rest of the way down the hill and into the city.


Immediately Jinx was struck by the stark difference of this Jump City versus the one she just came from. Something about the creeping vines moving up the buildings made them seem taller and menacing. Her lone steps and crunching of leaves didn't echo in the slightest. The myriad of darkened windows were like portraits with eyes that followed her every move. As with most cities with tall buildings, a slight guest of wind was somehow magnified but the wind tunnel like quality of the skyscrapers. A torrent of leaves and dust was blown into her face. She moved her hands before her face as though trying to swat a swarm of pesky flies. The tiny tornado subsided and Jinx brushed herself clean. Rounding a corner, she saw a series of pay phones lined against a wall. There didn't seem to be any power running through Jump City, but she felt it was worth a try to make a call. She grasped the nearest phone but as soon as she pulled off the hook the metal wire came free easily and then the receiver fell apart in her hand. She gasped slightly, surprised by its fragility. The purple haired teen looked along the wall at all the pay phones. It was more than likely that if she tried another one she would only get the same result. She placed a hand upon the cold brick of the building before her. Giving it a slight push, Jinx's hand easily broke through the deteriorating brick. She pulled her hand out, crumbling what she retrieved into sand. With gritted teeth and steadily falling tears, Jinx threw down the sand and limped into the middle of the street.

HEEELLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Her voice echoed and lingered in the air for quite a while, still it was her only answer. She turned in place, looking at random windows for any sign of life. She held her leg for a moment then cupped her hands around her mouth. "HELLO! HELLO! ANYONE!" The wind blew and the stillness of her surroundings remained ever quiet with the passing of her voice. Anger boiled within the pit of her stomach. With a savage growl she let her powers loose and they struck what was left of the bank as well as the post office. Like dominos, the two buildings collapsed beside one another. And then all was silent again. Perhaps she did it hoping some do-gooder would spring into action to stop her and she would not be entirely by herself. But no one came. No one answered her call. Jinx fell to her knees and then toppled to the ground as quickly and as ungracefully as the bank.

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