Don't scare me like that

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"Jinx! I wasn't flirting with her!"

"Are you serious! You were smelling her hair!'

Storming into the hall, The pink haired enchantress dug her finger nails into the sides of her upper arms as if she was keeping herself from splitting in two. Following her was a fuming speedster. "Just because she was interested in me doesn't mean you have to turn into a jealous wrecking ball!"

"Its not just that!" screamed Jinx. She gave sigh and her volume lowered. "Argent told me that you came on to her. And Raven."

Kid Flash froze for a second. The look on Jinxes face destroyed him. He hated it when he did this to her, but sometimes he just couldn't stop, came with the super speed.

"Jinx I, why would you care, don't you believe I'd be faithful? Don't you trust me!" he yelled back. Jinx took a step away from him. "You don't even realize what you do." she said softly. "You got me to give up my entire life and switch sides because you said you ...liked me. When you flirt with other girls, it makes me feel like you only did it because..." Jinx trailed off. Kid Flash cringed at the face he new to well. When Jinx would fight to keep her face stoic, when she looks over her right shoulder so he wouldn't see her pain in her eyes. The way the corner of her eye twitched up and down. It was the kind of look that made Kid Flash want to rush to her and kiss her all over. To tell her it would be alright and that he loved her with all his heart. but before he could do that he blurted out

"WELL MAYBE I WOULDN'T LOOK AT OTHER GIRLS IF MINE WASN'T A PARANOID FREAK!" He yelled before he could stop himself. Having super speed means that any word in his head is first come first serve. It was bad enough the thought was in his head in the first place, but now Jinx crumbled.

A hex blast hit him in the chest causing him to hit the wall. Jinx sprinted into her room and locked the door. Kid sped to the door but hit the metal and fell on his butt. He forgot that Raven put a special charm in the doors of basically all the girls in the teen titans doors. Cockblocker.

Kid Flash pounded on the door. "C'mon Jinx! Jinx im sorry! Jinx! Jinx!"

On the other side of the door, Jinx gave a heavy sigh and slide down the sleek metal. She new that if she opened the door now he would just act apologetic and slip in something that would take blame off him once she forgave him. At least, thats what the HIVE members would do. Kid new she would forgive him, he didn't have to care. Thats what made Jinx so sad.

Breathing heavily, Jinx waited till the pounding stopped before she got up and sat on her bed. She put her head in her hands and sighed. Jinx took out her Titans communicator.

"Jinx calling Raven."

The little yellow circle buzzed for a second before a pale girl appeared on the screen.

"Hey Jinx. Whats wrong?" asked Raven in her usual monotone. "Me and Wally had a fight again."

"What happened this time?"

"We just got back from the movies. He apparently likes popcorn more than I thought. Namely the popcorn girl."

Somewhere in the background a lightbulb popped. "You know when he does that its not ok? " Said Raven, her stoic face now shrouded in annoyance. Jinx knitted together her non existent eyebrows. "I know its not ok. He said im to paranoid about it. Look, I don't really want to talk about this." said Jinx scathingly. On screen, Raven raised an eyebrow. Jinx pinched the bridge of her nose.

"If you don't wanna talk, then why did you initiate this little chat?" asked Raven, unaffected. Jinx couldn't help be laugh, causing raven to smile slightly. "So sould I go over there or you could come over here..." Asked Jinx nonchalant.

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