The time with the brothers and glitter

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Jinx was walking in the park with Wally. It had been a slow week and they were enjoying it rather than wondering when the next attack would come. Wally grabbed her a rose and smiled, his face lighting up in the sunlight.

Jinx took the rose and leaned in to kiss him.

"Freckles! It is you!" a voice called out, startling them apart.

Jinx turned to see Roy and another young teen. This one was tall but had muscles poking through his short red shirt. Or maybe his shirt and jacket were too a size too small. His dark hair was short but long enough to wave about in the wind.

"Why does your friend look like he stepped out of a fashion magazine?" she asked Roy.

Said friend raised one eyebrow and smirked. "Darlin', I'm the furthermost thing from 'fashion magazine' material."

"That's because you ate an entire pizza. For breakfast," Roy said.

"Jinx, that's Jay. Or Jason, if you rather," Wally said this with a frown.

"Jason..." Jinx had done her research. Dick's brother. Dick Grayson from Gotham's brother. "Aren't you Jason Todd-Wayne? Didn't you die?"

She didn't miss the look of wide-eyed panic from Roy and the way Wally grabbed her shoulders suggested he was having a similar moment.

Jason assessed her for a moment, his gaze trailing up and down her body. She frowned and stuck her chin out. She wasn't going to go back on what she had said unless he denied it.

And she dared him with her eyes to deny it. They both knew it was truth.

"It didn't take," Jason finally said. "I take it you're the little lady who came up with 'switch Beast Boy's and Cyborg's food prank'? Good stuff."

Jinx shook her head. "I can't believe you guys actually went through with it."

"Come on, like you haven't broken into Titan's Tower before," Jason countered with a wild grin.

"Jay," Roy sighed.

Jinx narrowed her eyes and stepped back. This guy radiated danger and not the same kind as the Hive Five. He could get a job done however, he would do it his way and it didn't matter if you liked it or not.

"Come on, guys!" Wally whined. "We're on a date!"

Jason's eyes widened a moment before he grinned. "Well now. I can see we're not wanted. I think we'll go bug Dick, yeah?" He shared a look with Roy.

Jinx was not surprised when they stopped for lunch and found Wally's friends sitting at a booth inside. They were protective and seemed to be able to predict Wally's movements.


"Hey, Pinky, join us!"

"Yeah," Roy snickered, "ditch that guy and join us!"

"Shut up, Roy," Wally grumbled back.

Dick raised his hands. "Come on, Wally, you know it's all in good fun."

Wally glared at him. "I know you're behind this."

Dick shrugged and Jason smirked.

"Of course you'd think it was him."

Wally snapped his attention to Jason. "Was it you?"

Jason shrugged, smirk not wavering for a moment. His silence left the question unanswered.

Jinx rolled his eyes and her shoulders before slipping into the space next to Dick.

"Sit down," she said to Wally. "They're here and they're paying."

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