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I chewed on my sandwich slowly, savoring the flavor. Finally a couple days after my wisdom teeth were removed, I was able to eat solid food. I sighed, adding some sound to the empty apartment. It was about*checks watch* 7:00 at night. Wally went out to have a boys night with Robin, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Speedy, Aqualad, and I think Hotspot tagged along. Without him here it was so... quiet. I finished my sandwich and put my plate in the dishwasher. After starting the cycle I flopped down on the couch with my laptop. I rubbed my jaw, easing up some pain that still remained from the dentist pulling out my teeth. I clicked on Youtube. I sat for a while, deciding what to watch. I watched a couple music videos by some of my favorite artists (P!nk, Imagine Dragons, Taio Cruz, etc.), then somehow I ended up on funny videos.

Boy I am sure glad Kid Flash isn't home. I am laughing so hard I feel a 6 pack coming on, possibly a 12 pack. I watched lots of videos. From cat videos, to fail videos, to cat fail videos. Then I got into the side of Youtube with all the people who just got out of surgery. I watched a few and had a good laugh at people who thought they were rock stars, or saw unicorns. Then I saw a video labeled "Girl after her Wisdom Teeth get pulled out." by KF-rockz. I rolled my eyes at the name but clicked on the video. I mean it was about a girl after Wisdom teeth surgery. How relevant to my situation...sorta. I clicked on the video and it loaded. When the camera started rolling my eyes widen.

"He. Didn't!" I whisper.

By the end of the video I was seething with rage. Kid Flash had recorded me after my surgery! And put it on the internet! Without my permission! I threw my laptop to the side and through a hex on the carpet next to it. I looked up at the clock which now read 10:00.

"He should be getting home soon." I think.

"I'm so mad I could-" I stop my thinking when a plan pops in my head.

"Wally. You better watch out. Because the Queen of Revenge is coming and doing what she. Does. Best." I say. I laugh evilly to myself, and go get my old video recorder.

Kid Flash POV


I yawned and unlocked me and Jinx's apartment. It had been a tiring night and I was ready to snuggle up with Jinx (Which will most likely get me hexed) and fall asleep with her in my arms(which will also get me hexed.) I kick off my shoes and close the door. I look up and see Jinx sitting on the couch. Smiling. That can't be good. But since I was so tired I decided not to question it.

"Hey Jinx... Gosh I'm so tired." I say, rubbing my eyes.

Jinx POV


"Good. He's tired." I think.

"He always gets wild with talking in his sleep when he's extra tired." I think. I put on a smile.

"Well then come on! It's nearly 10:30!" I say, pulling him by the arm to his bedroom. He changes into his PJ's while I wait outside the door, also in my PJ's. My pink tank top and long pink and black pants.

Wally groggily opens the door. He wears a plain white shirt and red sweatpants. I smile and walk in. He goes under the covers and I gently pull my hand through his hair. Soon I hear him snore, and I know it's go time.

I pull out my video recorder from under my bed and set it up so It can see him alllllllll through the night without me being there. I smirk and walk back to my bedroom. I set my alarm early in the morning so that I can get the recorder before he wakes up. But even if he does, it is usually so groggy in the morning he won't notice. I slip under my black and pink sheets, and fall asleep.

-Eep Beep Beep Beep Beep. I wake up to my most-annoying-alarm-in-the-whole-world. I slam down the button to turn it off and drag myself out of bed. I silently walk into Wally's room and see him still asleep. Good. I grab the recorder and turn it off.

"Well my fair Jinxie I am off!" Kid Flash says, walking out the door.

"Have a good day saving the world Hun. Call me if you need any help." I say, rolling my eyes. He comes up me and kisses me on the mouth before speeding off and out the door. I smack my face to get the blush off, then I get to work.

Many hours and laughs later, I finish editing the video of Wally sleeping. It was hilarious. There were so many things. He would cuddle with his pillow and say things like:

"It's ok Lucky(Which is me. Lucky is my civilian name.) I will protect you from any harm." Or

"Come help me save the world Lucky!"

Then a time he would jump into a sitting position and yell

"Robin I am here to save the day!" Then fall back on his back. All in all I was rolling my the end. I cut the 8 hours of footage into a short 6 minutes. It was hard, but worth it. I got onto my separate Youtube account that no one knows I have (My usual one is "Jinx-The-Minx" Don't ask. Kid Flash is the one who set it up for me. But I had to set up another one so e wouldn't know I was the one who made the video). This one has the username "Payback." I set it up last night, especially for this occasion. I hurry and did some last minute edits, then I posted it.

Within the first hour, it already had 50,000 views. It was quite a hit. I look at all the comments and smile. This would be good. Wally was currently in the other room with his laptop. I know he's on his email because it says he's online. I hurry and send him the video with the subject titles "Revenge Suckaaaa!" I waited for a couple minutes, then from the other room I hear a


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