Reasons to join

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"What are you doing here?" Jinx folded her arms and glared at the speedster.

"What? Can't I just have a little visit?" Kid Flash teased her.

"How did you even get in here? Gizmo added up the security."

"If I told you that, I wouldn't be able to get in any more."

"That's the point."

Kid Flash pouted theatrically and clutched at his heart. "You wound me."

Jinx smirked. "Good."

"So," The Fastest Boy Alive said, growing a tad more serious but still having a smile. "You ready for me to try and convince you to join the light side again?"

Jinx groaned. "Get out of here before I start trying tohex you, Kid."

"Nup." Kid Flash shrugged. "Where are your team-mates, anyway? I saw them leave but…"

"You watch the outside of my house – waiting for my friends to leave so I'm alone?"

"Or if you leave by yourself." Kid Flash shrugged.

Jinx cocked her head to the side, still with her arms crossed. "That's seriously creepy."

Kid Flash paused. "Actually, you may have a bit of a point there." He admitted. "So, anyhow, can I begin my speech?"


"Come on Jinx, it's a really really good one this time!"

"You are not giving me another lecture on joining the Titans."

"Jinx, I'm pretty sure if you really wanted me gone you'd have hexed me by now."

"I'm just waiting until I trample you in this argument before kicking you when you're down."

"Ouch. So, can I give you my speech now?"

Jinx glowered – and then she remembered something she'd read online. A crafty look entered her purple cat eyes. "No. This time I'm going to try and change you to this side."

She knew she didn't have a chance to turn him, but she wasn't actually planning on it.

Kid Flash stared at her, blinking for a second. "Wait, what?"

"What? It's okay for you to try and convince me to leave my entire life behind and rewrite all my values, but I'm not allowed to do it?"

"Well… I don't secretly know that I'm better than this, I don't have more potential than this and…"

"Hypocrite." Jinx glowered, trying not to let her amusement show.

Kid Flash paused. "Okay. You know what? Go ahead. Try and change me to the dark side."

Jinx blinked. "Really?"

"Sure. Give it your best shot."

"Alright then." Jinx paused, trying to keep a straight face.

"One. The dark side has cookies."

Kid Flash started in surprise and then gave a laugh. "So does the light side. In fact we have better cookies. And unlike you, we promise to share them!"

"Two." Jinx tried to keep a straight face. "You can meet the recruitment bunny."

"If you join the Titans, you can meet our recruitment… uh… kitty. You can meet Fluffy the adorable recruitment kitty!"

"You have a recruitment kitty?"

"You have a recruitment bunny?"

"Fair enough. Three. The goodies aren't allowed to wear awesome capes that cover your entire body."

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