It came upon midnight clear

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Kid Flash

I'm feeling restless.

And how could you blame me? I haven't seen Jinx in areally long-Ahem. I haven't seen Jinx in a week and a half. But I miss her anyway.

It's Christmas Eve, around 9:30 at night, and the snow had stopped falling for the first time in a few days. The air is all crisp and cold, and the stars are out and shining really bright.

Perfect night for a visit.

…I think I'll just get Jinx a locator bug for Christmas. It's really annoying to just be speeding through Jump City without finding her. I'm getting more impatient every second I don't see Jinx exiting a coffee shop or turning a corner. Ok, Jinx, you can come out now!

Oh, and great, since I was running around all day today catching some desperate criminals who hadn't finished their Christmas shopping without stopping to rest, I'm getting tired. So I slow down, and stop in the town square for a minute to rest. Then, I see it. The big Christmas tree. How did I not notice that before?In my 20/20 hindsight, the tree was probably visible from miles away.

The giant of an evergreen had been erected in the very middle of the square, which was at the very middle of the town. …And the very middle of the state, the country, the world, the universe

The near 40-foot tree is probably being forced through the ground and into the Earth's core by gravity, seeing as there're like, hundreds upon thousands of colored lightbulbs shining from the core of the tree. And that's not all-there are glass baubles of every color, plastic shimmering icicles, strings of garland and-towards the bottom of the tree-paper snowflakes that bore the requests for toys and blankets, chocolates and other holiday treats that were written by the poor children and families of the surrounding areas.

This tree looks really nice, as if my Aunt Iris decorated it herself. After looking around some, I locate the true meaning of Christmas: the presents. They came in all shapes and sizes, and each one has a tag that matches the description on one of the paper cutout snowflake ornaments at the bottom of the tree. I think that these toys were donated, and tomorrow on Christmas morning the mayor held a citywide party for the needy families, where the children would receive their gifts and the people were treated to a Christmas feast.

I keep walking. It'll only be a few more seconds until I'm rested up enough to keep looking for Jinx again. There's a small rocking horse with a bow perched on the head, a bag that has a Raggedy Ann doll poking out of the top, a badly-wrapped toy drum, and a pair of feet sticking out from under the tree, moving in rhythm to the Christmas tunes that are being played from loudspeakers around the square.

Any second now, and I'll be—

Wait. A pair of feet?

It's got my curiosity, so I attempt to crawl through the branches to find out who it is.

And…it's Jinx! What the-? I didn't see that coming.

"What's with the Wicked Witch of the East routine?" I ask her jokingly, as she turns to stare at me, looking completely surprised.

"What?" she returns, completely caught off-guard.

"Your feet were…sticking out from bottom of the tree. What are you doing down here?" I ask as I take in the sight. Jinx is lying down on her back on a blanket, hands clasped over her stomach, staring up at me. On her head is a white wool cap, and a matching scarf is wrapped about a million times around her neck. Her head is resting on a small pillow. She looks like she burrowed underneath the tree, because she is lying in a 1 ½-foot-wide clearing underneath the tree.

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