Learning Spanish with KF

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It was a nice day in October and Jinx was sitting in a table in the Start City's library. She had left the Hive Five long time ago and now she was trying to get a nice job in an important company, and to do that she had to pass a test.

She was studying Spanish when Kid Flash appeared sitting in a chair in front of her.

-What are you doing, Jinxie? - Kid asked and Jinx gave him the glare of death.

- It is none of you business- she grumbled and raised the book to hide her face.

- Oh, come on! You are stressed for something; let me help you- Kid Flash said with a smirk.

-Get lost! - Jinx ordered behind the book.

-Is that a Spanish dictionary? - Kid Flash asked and took the book. Jinx sighed.

- Ok, ok. Since you are not leaving me alone, I guess I have to tell you, don't I?

-Please- said the hero, and he stared straight into her pink eyes.

-Fine, but you will leave after that.

-I promise I will.

-I cannot believe I'm actually telling you this.

-Just tell me.

-I'm studying for a test. I want to get a Job in a travel agency and I think I could have more possibilities if I known another language.

-That's it? I don't see anything wrong with that, what wouldn't you tell me about it?

-'cause you'd said I'm not a villain anymore because of you.

-Really? I wasn't thinking that- the red-haired guy exclaimed with a lovely smile and Jinx blushed and she averted her eyes.

-Anyway- she continued- I'm having some problems with Spanish and that's why I'm stressed.

-Oh... then I could...

-Done! You promised you would leave so bye, bye - she said and took her book back. Kid made a face and disappeared.

After one second, He came back.

- Hello, Jinx, Long time no see you! - He said and Jinx hexed him.

Immediately the librarian, an old fat lady, arrived and asked Jinx and Kid flash to leave.

Jinx was really angry, but instead of shouting or hexing her, she just said she was sorry and she left. Kid followed her. He was happily surprised.

They went to a park near to the library and the girl sat in a bench. She leaned her head on her hand and breathed slowly. Kid Flash looked at her and he sat in the bench too.

- I cannot believe it, Jinx, you'd really changed- he suddenly said- You didn't even made an angry face to her.

- That's 'cause it wasn't her fault, it was your fault, Moron! - Jinx complained and her eyes sparkled.

- Easy, Easy! ...You are right, I'm sorry, Jinxie, but I think I can help you.

-Oh, of course, because you're a Spanish genius- she exclaimed with sarcasm.

-Bueno, al menos puedo expresarme correctamente(Well, at least I can express myself properly)- Kid said. Jinx's jaw fell two centimeters. She was speechless.

- But, but, but... How the hell? - The pink-haired girl said after some seconds of unconsciousness.

-Más and menos are really good teachers. They are kind people; I think they could help you.

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