The day after

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Waking up and sneaking out in the morning was always the hardest part about this. Flash was and always will be a light sleeper. His body just could never seem to sink into a state of rest. He was too in love with his constant state of motion.

I slowly slid out of his bed. I searched carefully for my underwear. I snarled when I did find it, torn.

"Damnit." I hissed. My bra, flung across the back of a chair, had a broken clasp. Flash had been in a hurry for that particular piece to come off. Always impatient.

This time was a lot rougher. He'd had a long hard day, and I'd had a slow boring one. We needed a change of pace.

I don't know why we started this. The first time was about a year ago.

"Causing trouble again, I see?"

I didn't even glance up from my work.

"Interrupting again, I see?"

He came behind me and covered his eyes. "Guess who." He whispered into my ear.

"An annoying kid who keeps getting in the way?"

Within seconds, he had me spun around, inches from his face.

"Kid may be in my name, but that's certainly not what I am." His voice sounded sharp.

"Oh really? Have you ever even kissed a girl?"

He smirked. "Do you really think that I'm so innocent?"

I paused, pretending to think. "Yeah. I really do."

The smirk faded from his face.

"I've done things that even you haven't, princess." As he said this, he pushed me up against the wall. His lips met mine, and then his tongue was in my mouth. I moaned, and he built from there.

That was the beginning of it all. That kiss. If I had shoved him off or hadn't egged him on, then we wouldn't have ended up back at his place, on his bed, naked.

I woke up early after the first few times. I didn't want to take any chance of him waking up while I was there. This was just a physical thing. No emotion involved.

That's what I kept telling him. It's what I kept telling myself too.

This morning was different though. I woke up later than I'd planned on. My clothes were all fucked up (how's that for bad luck?). Even my dress was beyond wearing. All I had were my boots.

After cursing Flash again, I decided to raid his closet. I couldn't leave his house in only my boots. I'm sure that my team wouldn't mind that though. Gizmo would have a heart attack.

I sighed. Almost everything he owned was superhero-related. I finally found clothes that weren't spandex or bright yellow and red. I snatched a pair of boxers from the dresser as well.

The sun was already high in the sky before I was actually dressed. Content, I reached for the door handle.

Arms encircled me tightly. "Sorry, princess. You aren't going anywhere."

"Shit! I need to go."

"Why?" He sat on the edge of the bed, pulling me onto his lap.

"Because. I'm not supposed to be here."

"Why?" He asked again.

"We are enemies!"

A devil's smile came to his face.

"If we're enemies, then give me my clothes back."

"What? Why?"

His grin widened as he began to pull off the clothes that I had only just put on.

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