Jinx's hair

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Kid Flash had always wondered why Jinx never let her bright neon pink hair down. He had once asked her about it, only to be questioned in return.

"Why is that relevant?" She had retorted.

"Just curious." He had replied.

After that he didn't have a chance to ask her again because she had bombarded him with a million questions.

Well she would be good at diversion. She is an ex villian after all. He thought.

Although that didn't explain why she wouldn't want to answer. He had established that the topic made her uncomfortable, but he couldn't understand why. It seemed like a fairly reasonable question to him.

Then again, she's the most unique person I've ever met. She never stops surprising me with the things she does.He sighed before sitting up in his bed.

Jinx had moved into his flat about two months ago. His spare room had been decorated to fit Jinx's personal preferance. She had made it clear from day one that eventhough this was his house, that room was her domain.

From anyone else, Kid Flash would have been annoyed. Not her though. He liked her sass...he liked everything about her. Her flawless skin, her unusual pink eyes, her candyfloss hair. He even loved her almost bipolar personality. Everything. Well, apart from her secrets.

She was one big mystery that he couldn't solve. Despite all of his efforts, he had made absolutely no progress in getting her to open up. Constantly he would tell her she could confide in him; he would reassure her that he could be trusted.

At times, it seemed like she wanted to tell him, but something always held her back. The words were always on the edge of her tongue yet she never managed to speak them.

He sat there thinking for a while before his mind was made up. He crept into Jinx's room and stood by her bed. She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping. There was no trace of the hostile expression that usually adorned her beautiful features.

Kid Flash sighed at what he was about to do. From what he had gathered, Jinx was not someone you wake up in the middle of the night.

Staring at her for a while, he finally shook her awake. She groaned and rolled over so that her back was facing him. He tried a few more times and eventually she stirred.

"What do you want?" She asked, sleep colouring her tone.

"I just wanted to talk." He answered.

Jinx looked at the clock. 2:49, great. She threw him a skeptical look.

"Can't this wait until tomorrow?"

"No...well, yes. But I can't wait that long." He answered.

Jinx glared at him. "Wally, I know you're impatient, but this is taking the piss." She told him.

"Sorry" He said sincerly, but he made no effort to leave.

Jinx sighed and made room for him on her bed. He happily sunk into the comfy covers.

"How is it that your bed is so much more comfortable than mine?" He asked before sniffing her quilt and then adding "And it smells better as well."

"I don't know." Jinx replied. "I haven't done anything to them."

Kid Flash paused for a moment and then he did something unexpected. He brushed his nose along Jinx's skin and breathed in deeply.

Jinx looked at him in shock. "Are you sniffing me?"

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