My Hero

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Kid Flash entered the living room, planning on watching some well-deserved TV. He didn't get the chance however as he discovered his youngest son had beaten him to the TV. How the boy always managed to beat him to it without the power of super speed Kid Flash would never know, but he had to give the kid credit though. When it came to his favorite TV programs boy could that kid run.

Young Daniel was plopped in front of TV and turned his head to grin as he saw his dad enter the living room. He was only three years old and shared his father's vibrant blue eyes and red hair only his hair was a shade lighter.

With a gentle smile Kid Flash walked over to his son before kneeling beside him.

"Watch'ch ya watching kiddo" Kid Flash asked as he ruffled the red haired boys hair.

"The Hero League!" the young boy announced in a quiet voice with a toothy grin.

"It's not just the Hero League!" a girlish voice declared from behind the two.

Kid Flash and his son turned around to see a young pink haired girl about five years old standing on top of the sofa. She had a long red bed sheet tied around her neck acting as a mock cape while on her face was a red mask painted on. Her hair fell to her waist in long pink wavy strands, some strands falling over her shoulders to hide her frilly blue dress.

She flipped off the sofa and landed clumsily on her two feet. "Its season sixes grand finale episode where Doctor Evil gets his butt whooped by the awesome Captain Cool!"

The little girl started running around the room attempting to do what she believed to be genuine karate moves into an invisible opponent, all the time shouting war cries like 'Hi ya!' or 'Watch cha!'

A teenaged boy then came into the room. He had long ginger hair that fell over one of his blue eyes; across his pale cheeks was a spread of thick freckles. He was dressed in a pair of black ripped jeans and a black t-shirt with a red skull imprinted in it.

"Oh sure, he may have defeated Doctor Evil but not before the doc slices Kid Fast into shreds" the boy muttered to his younger sister, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Hey Derrick, how was soccer practice?" Kid Flash asked his son as he rose to his feet; dusting of any dust that may have collected on his jeans as he rose.

"Sucked" Derrick replied with a shrug. He looked over to his sister "So Sally, has Kid Fast kicked the bucket yet or am I too late for all the good parts?" Derrick asked Sally as she jumped onto the sofa beside where he had just sat down.

"Mmmm, nu-uh. That's closer to the end but we're only half way through" the little girl replied, jumping up and down on the sofa much to her brothers irritation.

"Kid Fast? You mean the cartoon hero who was based on the hero…" Kid Flash began but his younger son Daniel cut him off politely with a pull of his trouser leg.

"Kid Flash!" the little boy beamed up at his dad.

"And he gets…killed off?" Kid Flash asked carefully. He turned at the sound of his older son Derrick's dark snigger.

"Yeah, but what did you expect? Both the fictional and real life hero suck" Derrick replied as though he was stating a stone cold fact.

"Wait a second, hold up! What's wrong with Kid Flash?"

"Nah dad sorry" Sally interrupted before Derrick could respond. "I gotta agree with Dairy here. Kid Flash kinda does suck. What, his only power is lightning speed? Booooring."

Kid Flash scowled at his daughter and sons comment. So his own kids thought he sucked. Brilliant! He wondered how quickly they would change their tune if they knew their own dad was the famous Kid Flash. "That isn't his only power, he can vibrate his molecules through..."

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