22 Stripes

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You Don't Have To

She bares her teeth at him.

"I don't like you," she spits.

"That's fine," he says, smiling. 


Useless Efforts

Because he is the sun, and he is always back every moment to warm her frozen heart, no matter how many times she tells him that the seed has long since died. But he does not leave, just smiles, and even takes to watering the hopeless frozen seed of love in her heart.

Her Back

Her back is turned to him, which is fine. There is no greater sign of trust, and he isn't about to overlook it. No matter what, he'll have her back until the day he dies.

Old Habits Die Hard

Her expression is harder than most to figure out, not only because of her lack of eyebrows, but also because of her annoying habit of closing off her heart and adapting a detached, narrow-eyed look of distinctly displeasured boredom.

"Stop that," he says, when he catches her slipping into that hated expression.

"You don't make any sense," she replies, exasperated.

How Dare He

He slept, with the most peaceful expression she'd ever seen.

She wanted to break his nose.

Call Her a Cynic, But--

Jinx decides the thing she hates most about heroes is their honesty. Or rather, their lack of it. Because, really. If you can't even have the good guy fess up their identity, how do you expect people to trust you when you tell them to jump off a skyscraper and that you'll catch them? That they're safe from the train bomber, that bank robber, that you'll take care of everything don't you worry sweetheart I've got this under control? Trust a guy in a mask, in a stupid spandex costume, hiding their identity from the world?


She supposes that this is perfectly fine for the idiot masses of the world, the stupid baa-ing sheep, but people like her? Yeah. She'd take the criminal, the villain, the degenerates any day.

Because with them, you can at least expect them to lie.


She tells him that since the day she was born, she had been condemned to a lifetime of bad luck. He looks at her, straight in the eye, and tells her that from this moment on is the start of her new life.

On Raven's Birthday

"Hey, birthday girl," she says, grinning, free—for once—of any malice.

And then all hell breaks loose.

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