3 minutes before midnight

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Jinx could hear the fireworks already exploding in the air. All around Jump city, all around the world was celebrating the coming of the New Year. And yet here she was alone in the room the Titans gave her to stay for a while now. She looked at the clock, 3 minutes before midnight then she heard a knocking on her door.

"Jinx? It's me" Kid Flash spoke. She sighed and opened the door to find the speedster at her door with a red rose and a smile on his face.

"Jinx! What are you doing in your room! It's almost time for the countdown!" He practically screamed at her. Jinx just rolled her eyes and went inside her room, knowing he would follow her.

"I can enjoy the view from here, Flash. I can see every firework from the city." She told him while she sat next to the window.

"But Jinx! New Year's is to spend with loved ones! To welcome the new Year!" He said smiling at her but she didn't respond he frowned and sat next to her.

"Lucky… what's wrong?"

"I've lost so much, Flash. I gave up who I was becoming, I left the only thing I had close to a family and I'm lost. I know I helped the Titans defeat the Brotherhood of Evil, but I'm not sure yet if I want to become a hero. I'm so confused on what my path is, about my point of view of things, my feelings. I'm just… afraid. What is going to happen now?" she spoke her mind while her eyes tear up. Kid Flash cupped her face with his hand and brushing away the tears that slipped her eyes with his thumb.

"Lucky, I know it's hard and confusing, but look at it this way. It's a new year, a new beginning." Kid Flash handed her the rose, she gave him a small smile.

"Don't you have to be with your family? Like you said it's New Year's Eve. You should spend it with your loved ones." Jinx said to him. But she regretted it when she saw him frown and look at the Jump city view.

"I told you I was going solo when I met you, right?" he asked her and she nodded.

"There is a reason for that. But its New Years, we should be celebrating." He took her hand and kissed it.

"Is that okay?" he looked nervous but Jinx reassured him by smiling at him, which made him smile his goofy smile.

"So are you going to be my New Year's kiss?" he wiggled his eyebrows at her and she rolled her eyes.

"You wish! How can I kiss a guy which I don't even know his first name or how he actually looks like!" Jinx smiled when she realized he would never reveal his secret identity to her. She knew he trusted her, but not completely yet. They had only met a few months ago, and she was okay with that. But he has been trying to kiss her since Christmas, and he almost came close but she moved quickly and he only kissed the corner of her mouth. But he did something she didn't expect; he took off his mask and offered his hand.

"I'm Wally. Wally West." He smiled at her but she couldn't respond. Still in shock of him taking his mask off and telling her his name and by his appearance. He came closer to her and whispered in her ear.

"The least you could do is telling me your first name." he smiled at her reaction. She shook her head and whispered at him.

"Linda Park" she started to blush. It has been ages since she had spoken her name. Then they heard the other Titans.


"It's the countdown" Wally whispered to her.




Wally got closer to her and looked into her eyes.




"Yeah, Wally?"


"I just wanted to tell you that…"




"You are the best thing-


"That has ever happened to me"


And Wally kissed her with all the passion he could give. And what surprised him was that she responded back with the same passion, until they needed to breath.

"Happy New Year's, Wally"

"Happy New Year's, Linda" He gave her another kiss.

"And Wally, Thank you. For everything

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