Magical Year

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A/N: check out the new one shots about BBRae :D


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Hogwarts school for Witchcraft and Wizardry. My school for the last 7 or 8 years. It’s the school that all wizarding students want to attend, and I was excited to go to the first year, even though my father, Chancellor Blood, wanted me to go to the French Wizarding School for only girls. But now, going into my 8th year, it just seems like my home, a place that’s normal for me to go. I’m just excited to see my friends again.

Now, I wait in my room at the Blood Manor, my black cat, Kiki, fast asleep and purring at the foot of my bed and my chest ad bags packed and set on the ground, ready to be taken with me the next morning. The only thing I was waiting for was my letter, no doubt that it would come, but what I was waiting for was the badge inside. I was already a prefect, one of the heads of my house, and now, I was waiting to see if I was the Head Girl, the head of all four houses. All prefects work hard to become a prefect, but the smartest, bravest, most ambitious and most hardworking and patient 8th years students could be the Head Girl and Boy. Prefects can be 7th or 8th year students, but only 8th year students can be the heads and I was so anxious to see which I was.

As I waited on my bed, packing the last of my bags, distracted by my thoughts of the upcoming year, I was snapped out of it by my phone ringing.

“This is Jessica” I answered

“Jinx, it’s me” a familiar and sweet voice replied. Jinx was my nickname since all through our first year, I was always around when bad luck struck, though I always blamed the Gryffindor boys, especially Wally West, their seeker for the last three years and their house troublemaker. I was happy when I was chosen as Ravenclaw’s seeker so I could get back at him, but every time I got the chance, he somehow got the upper-hand. “Did you get it yet?” she anxiously asked. Kole was one of my best friends from Hogwarts and I think she was more excited than I was to see what I got. “Oh please tell me you did!” she pleaded

“I haven’t gotten my letter yet” I told her “Any news on the others?” I asked

“Well Jade and Roy aren’t heads, from what I heard, and neither are Karen, or Seymour” she reported

“So it’s Mika or I and Grayson or Mal?” I reduced the options

"Scratch that…Kory just texted me and its Grayson. Mal apparently didn’t want it.” Now Kole was always the one to know all the news, true or not, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he didn’t want to be it, after all, he was our Quidditch captain and is determined to win the House Cup this year, taking the title away from those Gryffindor lions.

“It doesn’t surprise me” I tell her before I’m interrupted by a screech at my window.

“What was that?” she asks me before beaming with the question “Was that Snow? Oh please tell me that was.”

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