Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The morning has come and I am too excited to think straight. I got up extra early to get everything ready. Rosie is here so we can freak out for a few hours, make some posters, and of course listen to our favorite boy band. We arrived at the pavillion three hours early to camp out and also because of VIP. We have guaranteed seats in the front, but Rosie and I are aiming for as close as possible. Once they let us in for VIP we stand in a small room and wait for about 5 minutes. It isn’t a very big group of us, which is good. One by one the boys walk in, first Zayn--Rosie freaks out, then Harry, Niall, Liam, and Louis.I freak out right away but when Louis comes in we make eye contact and I feel like I want to faint, but I stay conscious I’m not planning on blowing my chance. We have to form a single file line and Rosie and I are third and fourth, only because two other girls beat us to it. The boys are seated at a long table lined up just how they came in: Zayn, Harry, Niall, Liam, and Louis. Since it was a small group we were allowed to have one picture with all of them and one with a boy of our choice. The first two girls chose Harry and then right in front of me, Rosie chose Zayn. Of course.

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