Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Harry turns around, right when we get to the door and looks at Rosie, then me. He says, “Louis and I have a special surprise for our ladies today.” I turn to Louis with an excited expression and ask “What is it?” He laughs and says, “Well, that would ruin the surprise wouldn’t it?” I put on a fake frown to try to get him to tell me, but it doesn’t work. I hate surprises. Louis continues to say, “Bring some warm clothes and a camera, and meet us in the lobby in 15 minutes.” We depart, and Rosie and I head to the elevator up to our room. We change into warm clothes, grab our purses, and once it has been 15 minutes, we head to the lobby. Harry and Louis are already waiting there for us. “Ready ladies?” Harry asks and we both nod. Louis hops in the driver’s seat and motions for me to sit in the back with Rosie. We drive for probably an hour or more and when Louis stops the car, I am a little confused. We are parked in a parking lot, next to a field, in the middle of nowhere. I see a colorful shape in the distance and a few people moving around. Rosie and I get out and look at each other with the same expression, “Where the hell are we?” Rosie asks. The boys just smile and lead us to the colorful shape. The shape begins to grow as we get closer, and it becomes clear what the boys have planned. We are going on a hot-air balloon ride.

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