Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Harry and Rosie walk into Harry’s room and that’s the last I see of them. Louis and I walk into his room and just sit on his bed at first. “I love you” he says while looking at the ceiling. “I love you too Lou,” I say and roll over next to him and kiss him. We just lay there, cuddling for a while and eventually I fall asleep in his arms. We don’t do anything, I just lay in his arms and that’s how we fall asleep. I wake up in the morning and Louis is awake and I groggily say, “Hi.” He tries to hold in a laugh and says “Hello to you to, love.” I manage to wiggle out of his arms to see what he was laughing at. I get to the mirror and say, “What? I don’t get it.” He smiles and says, “Nothing it’s just..I’ve never seen someone look so beautiful in the morning.” I glance in the mirror again and raise an eyebrow. He sees my expression and says, “I’m not kidding.” I laugh and say, “Whatever you say!” We walk out to the kitchen and everyone is already there, Liam looks and Louis suggestively, but Louis shakes his head. Louis looks over at Harry and he nods his head and winks. ‘Oh gosh,’ I think, ‘Rosie and Harry... of course’ I sit down next to Rosie on the couch and she says “Harry and I didn’t do anything, he’s just kidding. And I’m not lying this time.” I look and her and say, “Good. Don’t go too fast.” Rosie responds quickly, “Yeah, yeah.” “I’m serious though, I don’t want any mistakes to be made again....” Niall walks over and says, “Ok lads and ladies! It’s breakfast time! Where shall we go?” No one responds, we all look at Niall because he clearly has somewhere in mind. “How about IHOP?” Everyone nods in agreement and we head out. 

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