Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

We lay out the blanket smoothly on the sand and I cuddle up close to Louis. Rosie and Harry do the same about 10 feet away. Louis and I lay on our backs, with his arm around me, looking at the beautiful stars. It was so peaceful and quiet, I just want to save this moment forever. I hope I spend the rest of my life with this boy because I am ready to. After snuggling with Louis and sleeping soundly next to him, I wake up to the waves crashing on the beach. What a nice sound to wake up to. I don’t know why, but Louis is always awake before me, and he greets me this morning with, “Hello love, Sleep well?” I smile and say, “Yep thanks, how bout you?” He says he always sleeps well if he’s with me and I blush. “I wish I could wake up to this everyday” I say looking out into the distance. He takes out his phone and it looks like he’s taking a picture of the ocean, probably to put on twitter or something. I think it’s safe to put our relationship on twitter now, so he also snaps a picture of us together and posts it with a heart. Like always, he has 50 retweets within the minute. There are also a few hate messages, but we choose to ignore those. Next, he takes a picture of Rosie and Harry, still asleep 10 feet away from us. He tweets that one as well and writes “Look at those lovelies.” We laugh quietly, trying not to wake the others up. Louis stands up and offers his hand to me, I stand up as well and we begin walking on the sand. We walk arm in arm for a while along the water. We see a small cafe in the distance and decide to go get something to drink. We both, without knowing get vanilla lattes and I think it’s just another sign that we are meant to be.

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