Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I can’t believe Louis just dedicated a song to me. I can’t believe Harry just dedicated a song to Rosie. What is even better, Louis looks right at me and winks after he and Harry say there little announcement. The concert was already amazing, but now it was just 100000 times better. After the big finale, we wait for everyone to clear out, which took a really really long time. A lot of people stay back to see if they will come out I guess. After the last person leaves, Rosie and I can finally go backstage and greet the boys. I run up to Louis and give him a kiss. He holds me for a long time and I say “That was so sweet to dedicate that song to me, it made me so happy.” Rosie greets Harry the same way and they walk off to get some privacy. “I’m glad I could make you happy, babe.” We kiss again and he says “I’ll see you in a bit I have to finish gathering up everything from tonight. Meet you on the bus.” I walk to the bus by myself and Rosie catches up with me on the way there. I guess Harry had to finish up too. We talk about how great the day was and how we don’t want this trip to be over. When we step in the bus, Zayn greets us. Wow he was the first one out of the venue which was surprising. Rosie is quite excited to see Zayn, not surprising, but I’m wondering how she will act since she’s pretty much spoken for...

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