Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

My mom and Louis chatted about everything--and I mean everything--I was mortified. After I while, I just stopped listening and went in the other room. I don’t really care if he hears these stories, I just don’t want to relive them. I hear Lou holler from the other room to come back out. I hesitate, but go out anyway. I sit next to him and he puts his arm around me and I have a pout on my face. “Thanks mom...” I say sarcastically. Lou smiles and says, “I liked hearing all of those, babe. They were cute.” I roll my eyes, “Yeah yeah... whatever.” He nudges my arm, lifts up my chin, and looks into my eyes with a big smile. I can’t help but smile when he does that, that’s probably the only thing that can break my stubborness. My mom offers to make us dinner, but we have to drive down to L.A. I give her a hug and thank her for having us and being nice to Lou. Lou hugs her too and we walk out the door. We have a nice, long 6 hour drive ahead of us to get down to L.A. We decide to split the drive and we’ll probably get there at 10 at night. It’s not as long as I anticipated, we talk and sing and he tells me what embarrassing stories he knows now. He thinks it’s funny that we were both in Grease the musical, but the only reason he knows that is because one of my stories is related to that. “Hey it’s not that bad that you--” “Stop!” I hit his arm, even though there was no one there to here it. No need to think about it again. I quickly changed the topic to the first thing I could think of, the tour. It gets kind of old talking about the tour so that doesn’t last long. “So...excited for L.A?” I try. Lou looks at me and says, “Yes. Nice try for changing the topic,” with a laugh. I sigh and think of something else to talk about. “So.. you liked my mom?” He smiles and says, “Yes, love, she was very sweet and welcoming.” I smile, glad to know that they like each other because I know we’ll be together for a long time. We finally arrive in L.A. and hit a bit of traffic getting through the city. It was a very long day and I was tired. We got to the hotel, checked in, and went right to our room. Lou texted the boys on the way up that we were here  and Harry responded that they just got back from Mexico two hours ago and were in their room. Harry and Rosie had their own room, so did Lou and I, and then Liam, Niall, and Zayn shared a room. I guess they didn’t have a big enough room for 7 people. We have a great view of the city from our room, but we both barely notice because we are exhausted. We plop down on the bed and lay there for a few minutes, my head on his shoulder and his arm around me. His fingers running through my messy hair. We are finally motivated to get up, put on our pajamas and actually go to bed. I fall fast asleep cuddled up close to Lou.

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