Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

As Louis and I walk back to our little campsite, hand in hand, we toast to our relationship and take a drink of our lattes at the same time. Rosie and Harry are awake when we get back, they are sitting up now and talking. Rosie sees us coming and yells “Hey lovebirds why didn’t you get me anything?” I laugh and say, “Maybe because you were sound asleep?” She laughs too and Harry says they can walk down a little later. She agrees and we bring the blankets closer together, so we can all sit in a circle. Soon, Rosie and Harry leave to walk to the cafe and get something to drink. Louis and I both finish up our lattes. I rest my head on his shoulder and he runs his fingers through my awfully knotted hair. I giggle and say, “Oh gosh, I need a hair brush, that’s pretty bad.” He laughs too because it’s pretty undeniable. He says, “Babe, you always look so beautiful in the morning. I like this natural look. It’s nice.” I blush, I have been blushing a lot lately, that’s what an amazing boyfriend does for you. He continues, “I’m serious!” I look up at him, kiss him on the cheek and say, “Thanks Lou, that means a lot.” He turns my chin and kisses me on the lips. I playfully push him down onto the blanket and lay next to him. We continue kissing and he pulls me in tighter. Rosie and Harry walk back and say together, “Woah, woah guys!” and kick some sand in our direction. We sit up and both blush a little bit and laugh. “Sorry we weren’t expecting you to be back so soon,” Louis tells them. Harry laughs, winks at him and says, “It’s ok Louis.” Rosie motions for me to come and talk to her, so I get up and we walk a little bit.

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