Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

Paul sighs and  pulls a newspaper out of his coat. Right on the cover is that picture of Lou and I last night. I cover my mouth and my eyes widen. The title says "1D's

Crazy Night Out" and let’s just say it’s not the best picture of me. I can’t believe this is happened. Paul slams the newspaper down on the table and raises his voice, “Do I have to tell you boys again to be careful about your publicity!? You need to maintain your image and this is not doing anything for it! Another careless move like this and she’ll have to be gone.” My eyes widen and my my jaw drops. I’ve never seen Paul like this, I guess he really cares about their reputation. Twitter was blowing up for the rest of the day, I’ve never gotten so many tweets in my life, and most of them were not too positive. I walk to the bathroom, but Louis runs after me, “Chloe, wait!” I begin sobbing and fall to the floor. Lou sits next to me on the ground, rubs my back, and says, “I’m sorry, babe, I never meant for any of this to happen, I feel awful, and....” He stops himself and put his face down in his palms. I think I begin to hear him cry too, which just makes me cry even harder. Louis pulls me into a hug and he composes himself, but I’m still crying. Paul walks down the hallway and says, “Okay you two, I know you’re upset, but we really gotta go now!” Lou stands up and reaches for my hand. I take it and stand up, too. I go into the bathroom to rinse off my face really quickly, good thing I wasn’t wearing any makeup yet. When we walk through the entrance to the main sitting area, all 5 of them, the boys and Rosie, look at us and Rosie mouths ‘Tell me later,’ and I nod. We get to the airport and have to shuffle around the airport a bit, since we are with celebrities. Once we’re done organizing everything, checking our bags, and finding breakfast, Rosie and I tell the boys we have to step to the ladies room. I know she just wanted to know what happened though. When we were about 20 feet away, we turn down a different hallway and she immediately stops and says, “Okay, spill.” I take a deep breath and try to keep myself composed as I tell her everything. I start with last night, then Paul coming, and everything to follow. I choke on my words a few times, but manage to keep it together overall. I finish and Rosie is speechless. She can’t believe Paul was like that either. After just digesting the story she pulls me into a hug, and says, “I’m sorry you had to go through that, I really am, but I’m here for you, you know that.” I smile and respond, “Thanks Rosie, love you.”

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