Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It is finally my turn to go through the line and I’m so excited I’m almost shaking. I go all the way through the line and say hi to each of the boys and get their autographs. I say how much I love one direction (close enough to my plan right?) I get to Louis and it’s the moment I’ve been waiting for. I ask for a picture and he says “Sure babe!” Oh my god he called me babe, this day just keeps getting better. I think he said something about how I was the first one to ask for a picture with him, but I was too preoccupied. “I love you Louis.” It takes me all of two seconds to realize I said that outloud. I kind of mumbled it but Lou was close enough to hear. He’s probably creeped out and doesn’t want to take this picture and....he interrupts my thought process “Aww thanks”

he says with a big smile “Hey I didn’t catch your name” “’s Chloe” “What a beautiful name” Lou tells me in his adorable accent. “Oh thanks” I say with the biggest smile. We finally take the picture and it was beautiful standing so close to my favorite boy in the world. I walked out with my signed poster and two pictures in my hand feeling like the happiest person in the world. 

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