Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Rosie and I walk out the happiest girls in the world. Both of us reach into our pockets to post on facebook, twitter, instagram, every social site possible. My phone. shoot. It’s not in my pocket where I left it, it’s not anywhere. This is just fantastic. The guards won’t let us back in just in case we’re some psycho trying to sneak in. Oh well this is awesome. Okay, whatever I can’t ruin my mood for the concert we still have two hours of the best day of our lives. The concert was amazing. I’m pretty sure I don’t have a voice anymore because I belted every single word to every single song. Yes, it’s possible. Rosie and I agree it was the best concert ever. Well, I think we looked everywhere and my phone was nowhere to be found. Just as we were walking out of the venue and a nice looking middle aged man yells after us “Excuse me miss!” I hear him, but he’s probably not talking to me or Rosie. “Um... miss! miss! Chloe?” He is talking to me. I turn around and see none other than Paul. THE Paul. “I am supposed to give you this” He handed me a piece of paper. Shoot, it isn’t my phone, but I open the paper and I read in a cute handwriting “Come to the Houston Hilton where a curly haired messenger will meet you in the lobby -Lou”

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