Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

We arrive at the hotel and all load out of  the bus, and have to go through the side entrance. Rosie and I go up to the boys’ suite and decide hang out for a while. We play video games, eat, and watch movies. The boys are total nerds when it comes to video games, but it was fun anyway. We watched Toy Story-just for Liam, and then the Notebook. They were both so good. Once it’s about 10 o’clock, the boys know the pool will be empty and offer to take us down for a swim. Rosie and I don’t have anything to wear, so we run up to our room and meet them down at the pool. We end up not going in the pool, but the hot tub instead. It is really relaxing and fun. I sit close to Louis and he puts his arm around me. He makes me so happy and with his arm around me I feel so comfortable. I am glad I have someone like him in my life. I see Rosie pull away from Harry for a second and ask, “You’re still my boyfriend, right?” He answers, “Yes of course, babe” and kisses her on the head and then the lips. They kiss for a long time and all of us start to groan and say, “Okay guys we get it!” We get out and Louis wraps me in my towel and holds me for a little bit to keep me warm.This was so great, I love him so much. I look up at him as he has his arms wrapped around me  and say, “I love you, Lou.” He turns me around and kisses me on the forehead and says, “I love you too Chloe.” As the other boys go back into the hotel Harry pulls Louis aside and whispers something to him. They come back and Harry looks and Rosie and Louis look at me, and they say together, “Do you girls want to spend the night here?” Rosie and I look at each other with the same exact expression on our faces and jump up and down for a second. After we  regain composure, we take a deep breath and say “Yeah, sure.” Rosie and I walk in, hand in hand with our boys. When we get to their room, Niall and Liam raise their eyebrows at us, but we just smile. 

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