Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Each of the boys went to get their hair and makeup done, and Rosie and I found a couch in one of the unused dressing rooms. We sat down as the boys were getting made up. We hadn’t talked in awhile when the boys weren’t around, so we had an opportunity to have a little girl talk. “So, how far have you and Lou gone?” she asks as she leans in. I give a ‘Seriously?’ look and she says, “Ok...Ok...fair enough. Just wondering.” I return the favor by saying, “You and Haz?” She laughs and says “Same..” We are silent for a second due to the awkwardness that just ensued. I break the awkward silence by asking Rosie, “So you really love him, huh?” She clears her throat and I get ready for a long answer, “I really do, Chloe, he makes me happy like no one else ever has. I would have never imagined this would actually happen to us it’s amazing. He makes me feel special and I know he really loves me too. Even though we hit a few rough spots, our relationship is strong, and if he asked me to marry him today, I would say yes on the stop, no hesitation” she takes a breath and continues, “How about you and Lou?” I bite my lip and look at her and say, “Well you basically just summed it up” with a nod. She laughs, she was always so good at putting things into words, I had nothing to say. We continue talking about random stuff, as always. Liam walks by and says “Meet in greet in 5 if you ladies want to come, down the hall to the left.” We look at each other and shrug, we will never get tired of this. We head down and all enter as unsuspectingly as possible and join the line. There is a buzz among the group of fans. I hear all their names getting thrown around and a few screams of excitement here and there. The line starts moving and I love watching the girls, each with a ear to ear smile plastered on their face and maybe a few tears. The procedure is the same as our meet and greet autograph and picture. We are last in line and the boys laugh when they see me come up first. “Hi, I’m Chloe. I say to Liam who’s first in line.” He laughs and plays along. “Hi Chloe, I’m Liam.” I do a fangirl thing and kind of laugh and cover my mouth. Niall is next and I do the same thing. I can’t compose myself when I get to Louis, I’m laughing so hard. I get a straight face and bring out some tears. “I just wanted to tell you that you guys are such a big inspiration and I made so many friends because of you and I love your music so much. I listen to it everyday.” There is the speech I wanted to tell them the first time we met, at least they got to hear it. They thought I was playing it up, but that part was real. I take a picture with Louis, and right as the photographer says “1...2...” Louis scoops me up and then he takes the picture with me in his arms. Rosie does the same thing as me and she slips Harry a piece of paper and says “Call me maybe?” with a wink. All the other fans are looking at us with a look that is a mix of confusion and jealousy and we join their crowd. One girl nudges me and says, “That was so cool! I wish Niall did that in my picture!” Obviously none of them are die-hard enough to know who we are, which is good I guess. And bad, why do they have VIP tickets if they aren’t die-hard fans?

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