Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

We wake up to a loud pounding on the door from someone. After a  minute we figure out that it’s the boys and Rosie. I stumble out of bed to get the door. I open the door and say “How can I help you this lovely morning?” Liam laughs and says, “Well aren’t you a morning person?” I laugh and roll my eyes. Harry walks in to push Lou out of bed, he isn’t a morning person either. I tell them all to come in and Liam proceeds to say, “We have to get going for the day so you two come down for breakfast in 45, ok?” I nod and tell them to leave so we can get ready. Rosie stalls behind a second to whisper to me, “Nice hair...looks like you two had fun last night,” with a wink. I give her a look and whisper back, “Please we were both too tired to even walk last night.” I give her a shove and she walks out laughing. By the time she leaves Lou is up and moving around. He gets on one of his classic outfits, but I question it since their show isn’t until later. “We have a signing this morning, love.” My eyes widen, “Oh shoot, I forgot about that... Damn I have to look presentable...” “Oh babe, you always look presentable.” He responds. I laugh and throw a pillow at him from across the bed. “Thanks Louis.” I walk into the bathroom to put on some makeup because people are going to see me. Louis walks in and puts his arms around my waist. As much as I love that, I turn to him and say, “Babe, we only have 45 minutes, we can do this later.” He sighs and walks out. When I’m done with my makeup and hair Lou does his hair in the bathroom, which takes a long time. I pick out a light pink button up sheer tank top and a pair of jeggings with sandals. We go down to the lobby early because surprisingly, we’re both ready. Everyone is already there and talking when we arrive. They seem to be in the middle of an interesting conversation because they don’t notice when we walk up. We stand there for a minute, unnoticed, until Louis yells “WE HAVE ARRIVED” They all look up and laugh at us. Everyone stands up and Paul is outside waiting for us with a car. We arrive at the signing and there is a huge line outside. All the fans scream when we walk by. The boys stop and say hi to a few lucky ones, but Paul waves them on. The manager of the bookstore leads us all to a table set up with a One Direction backdrop. The boys sit down and Rosie and I walk around the store for a while until they let the fans in to line up inside. There is so much screaming and pushing and shoving it’s crazy. Each fan is given a ticket that is entered in a raffle to spend a day with the band, particularly one member of their choice. There are three chairs on the right of the table for Rosie, Paul, and I. A good ⅔ of the fans pass by without noticing, but the other part does say hi to all of us and know our names. A few hours pass and the boys take a break to do the drawing. Louis holds the container with the tickets while Zayn stands up to reach inside. He grabs the mic and read out “1923...” letting the suspense build with a pause “528” We hear a scream from the back and a girl runs through the crowd. She reaches the boys and Paul verifies the number. Zayn who still has the mic asks her name and who she wants to spend the day with tomorrow and she says, “HI I’M JENNA AND I WANT LOUIS.” It takes me a minute to register, but I’m sort of mad and confused at the same time and send a glare in her direction. Louis and I make eye contact and he bites his lip nervously.

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