Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

I sit down with Lou in the kitchen where Rosie was, and she heads back to where I just was with Harry. I sit on the chair next to him, slouch down and rest my chin on my hand. “Babe, I’ve got to admit, I don’t know what to do for our one month.” I say. He laughs and says, “That’s what this pouting is about?” I nudge his arm and a laugh too. He reassures me that he has everything planned out, just like Harry said. “Ok, I believe you, I’m pretty excited I gotta say.” I decide to make Louis a scrapbook of all the things we like, pictures of us, that kind of stuff. The next few days go by, same routine of going to the concerts, I stay in the room sometimes to work on the scrapbook, to get it done because I only have a few days. The day has come. Lou wakes me up in the morning with homemade breakfast and a kiss. I have a smile on my face right away because I know it will be a great day. I give him the scrapbook when I’m done eating and we lie down on our bed and look through it together. I can tell it makes him so happy because of his huge grin. When we finish, he closes it, sets it carefully  aside and says, “Thank you so much, Chloe, it means so much that you put that much work into a gift for me. I’m so happy you’re my girlfriend and I can’t wait for the concert tonight.” He places his hand gently on my cheek and leans in and kisses me softly. I close my eyes and think about how great the past month has been and I can imagine the rest of my life with him. We walk out hand in hand and the boys greet us cheerily and wish us a ‘happy one month.’ We all wish Harry and Rosie a happy one month too. We pretty much lay low for the morning and afternoon. Watch a few movies, play some Apples to Apples. When it turns about 5:30, I got to change into something for dinner. I pick out a white lace sundress with a thin brown leather belt. I put on a pair of earrings, too and I choose a pair of wedges that make me a little closer to Lou’s height. We are going to dinner before the concert, so I want to look cuter than I usually do at the concerts. I go to the bathroom and put on a touch of makeup and fix my hair. Rosie comes in so we can look at each other’s outfits and we both approve and walk back out to the sitting area together. Lou and Harry’s eyes widen as we walk in and we both laugh. We sit down next to the boys and Liam says, “You two look lovely tonight.” We smile and say, “Thanks Liam.” Lou leans over and whispers, “I think you look beautiful” and that makes me blush. We go to dinner and it’s delicious, just like every other meal they have treated us to. Lou and I share a brownie for dessert and we toast to our relationship.

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