Chapter 1

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My heart is pounding, there are 10 minutes left in class; Rosie and I are checking the tour dates during break. One Direction is supposed to come to California during May of June. That means there is a big chance they come when I’m gone in Europe. I will be devastated, but I’ll keep my head up until then. The bell rings and class ends, Rosie and I sprint to our next class to check the dates. We open the page and I’m so excited that they are coming to Cali 5 different dates! One of them has to be when I’m still here..... or not... I want to cry, the dates are all when I’m gone. This can’t be happening. I need to see these boys in concert. My whole life will be perfect if I do. I have to hold it together. Rosie and I exchange looks from time to time and I know she is crushed too. I call my mom at the end of the day to break her the news.

“They’re coming when I’m in Europe, Mom.” She automatically knows what I am talking about. “Oh I’m sorry I’m sure they’ll add more dates” she says trying to ease the pain. It didn’t help much but we said our goodbyes and moved on. Not that I would ever move on...

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