Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

First I decided to take a trolley up to the Golden Gate bridge, a classic SF attraction. We get on the trolley, it is really crowded so there was only one seat left. Lou sits down and motions for me to sit on his lap. I giggle, shrug and sit down. It’s not a very long ride, but there are a few stops. We squeeze through the people to get off at the stop for the bridge. We start walking toward Golden Gate park where there’s some food vendors and a great view of the bridge. “Ready for a picnic?” I ask him. He smiles and grabs my hand softly. “We don’t have a blanket,” I say discouraged. “That’s ok, babe, we can sit on the bench!” I smile and am excited again. We walk together to the closest food cart and order hamburgers and soda. We sit on the closest bench and eat our food. I’ve seen the bridge too many times to count so it’s nothing special to me, what’s special is being here with my amazing boyfriend. We finish our lunch and walk around the park hand in hand, enjoying the beautiful California weather that I grew up with, but is totally different from UK weather. The boys love the weather in the US because it’s so nice compared to weather back home. We ask some stranger to take our picture, hoping that they don’t recognize Lou. They agree and snap the first picture. We ask them to take one more and we decide on a silly picture, our favorite. I whisper in his ear a plan for the picture and he nods. Right as the kind stranger is getting the camera ready again, Lou lifts me up on his back, like he’s giving me a piggyback ride, they give us a weird look and take the picture. I go to get my phone back, and they say to me, “Hey your boyfriend looks very familiar.” I nod and say, “Really? That’s funny we get that a lot.” I run off to catch up with Lou, laughing. I explain what happened and by the end, we are both hysterical. After that, we go to a few touristy shops and I buy a shirt that says “I left my heart in San Francisco” for Lou. He laughs and asks, “So m’love what is our next destination?” I look at him and say, “You really think I’ll tell you?” He puts on a little pout face which makes me want to tell him, but I stay strong.

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