Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I lose my balance and start to fall, but Louis catches me and kisses me on the lips again. “It’s official. You have made my life.” That boy. That day. That kiss. I still can’t believe any of it. “I’m glad I could help. But thank YOU for being the girl of my dreams” Louis. freaking. Tomlinson. Just said that I am the girl of his dreams. Am I being punk’d? Because this is literally could not happen to me on a normal day. “Love you Chloe I’ll see you tomorrow” He says with a wink. I don’t know quite what he is talking about, but I go along with it and wave goodbye. I walk into the hotel room and Rosie is waiting there patiently because she probably heard every word that was said outside the door. Then I don’t have much to explain. “Sit. Explain. Now!” I go on to tell her piece by piece how my day went and she was extremely jealous, but happy for me too because she knows I have loved Louis forever. “So what exactly did you and Harry do?” I ask Rosie. “Oh don’t assume things Chloe! We just talked and walked around town. We were only stopped five times--which I guess is a small amount-- and we had to explain that nothing was going on, even though I wish something was.”

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