Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

We leave the restaurant and walk to the venue, which is only a few blocks down. Rosie and I are ready to go through with the usual routine of the night, hair and makeup, meet and greet, sound check, and concert, but when we walk in, Louis stops and turns toward me. “Hey babe, I know you love coming to these, but the boys and I have a little surprise for tonight and think you and Rosie should walk around town for a while.” I narrow my eyes a bit, but this must be what Harry was talking about. Rosie and I look at each other and shrug, but agree. We walk to Starbucks first and buy some cold drinks for the hot weather. We look in some cute stores around, and soon enough, it is time to go back. We go in, luckily the guard recognized us because we didn’t have an VIP tags or anything. We sneak past the line of screaming fans and walk down the hallway to get backstage. I see Louis and he gives me a quick kiss, “Thanks love, you’ll see why in a while.” The sound check guests are already seated, but there are two seats on the edge of the front row, where no one is sitting. We ask if anyone is sitting there and the girl next to the empty seat says, “Nope, these are for you,” with a smile. We sit down and the venue begins to fill. So far, the concert is going along normally, until after Tell Me a Lie, Harry and Louis step forward with their mics in hand. Louis starts off, “As many of you know, Harry and I are lucky enough to be in very happy relationships...” The audience has a mixed reactions of cheers and uneasiness. He continues, “Well today is both of our one month anniversaries with these lovely ladies.” Rosie and I are both blushing like crazy, which gets worse when Harry says, “I wanted to tell all of you guys along with my lovely Rosie, that I’m taking her on a short weekend trip to Mexico!” Rosie’s jaw drops and she covers her mouth. He motions for her to come forward and she runs up toward the stage. She gets as close as she can and Harry leans down on his knees and gives her a hug. She whispers “I love you” and he kisses her forehead. A massive “Aww” comes from the audience. Rosie comes back next to me and she is crying, tears of happiness of course. Louis starts talking again, and now I don’t know what to expect. He starts, “I want to sing this song, it’s a cover from one of my favorite bands, The Fray. This one is for you, Chloe.” My eyes widen, he knows I love this cover of his and I can’t believe it. This is so sweet. “If I don’t say this now...”  he starts the song. The boys sing backup for the chorus and they are all lined up with stools on the stage. I start to tear up, and wipe my eyes. We are looking into each other’s eyes the whole time and when he finishes I am full on crying. I go up to the stage, just like Rosie did, and give him a hug. This is the best present anyone could ever give me.

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