Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

As we walk out to the sitting area, we stop in the doorway and Rosie says, “Harry, can I talk to you for a minute?” She shoots Zayn a look and bites her lip. “Chloe’s gonna come too if that’s ok?” “Yeah yeah” Harry says, “I wanted to talk to you anyway, it’s kind of important.” I can see the look of anticipation on Rosie’s face. When we walk into the first room Harry and Rosie sit on the bottom bunk together and I sit on the chair in the corner. “Can I go first?” Harry asks. Rosie responds quickly “No, no... I’ll go first.” Harry shrugs and doesn’t fight it. Rosie contemplates what she will say for a few seconds, but in those few seconds Harry cuts her off and says “Rosie, will you be my girlfriend?” Rosie bursts into tears and Harry pulls her into a hug. “Is  that a yes?” he asks. “Before I answer you, I need to say something.” Harry says “Okay babe, but does it need to be now?” Rosie immediately answers him “Yes Harry, right now.” She breathes in deep and says really quickly “While you were still in the venue....I....kissed Zayn. I’m  really sorry and I feel so bad and it was a horrible mistake. I love you Harry I hope you know that.” Harry just stares at the wall for a minute and finally says “Rosie. I am upset that this happened, but I will forgive you. I love you too, but if this happens again, then it’s over.”

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