Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

My heart stops momentarily along with my tears. I look up into his beautiful eyes and say, “Yes?” Before he asks his question he leans down and kisses me, I sit up, put my arms around his neck, and kiss him back. We pull apart and he says, “I was wondering, since the lads and I are only in Texas for a few more days, if you want to come along the rest of the tour with us?” I start to cry again, I was just an emotional wreck today. I manage to say, “YES! I would love to” and we kiss again. He whispers in my ear, “Just don’t tell Rosie, I think Harry is saving the question.” I nod and swear to secrecy. The hot-air balloon ride is one of the most amazing experiences of my life, and I am so glad I got to experience with the best boyfriend ever and my best friend. We exit the hot-air balloon, and right as we step out it begins pouring rain. In the middle of summer? I don’t know how, but it happened. We all start running because we are still in the middle of the field. I’m holding on to Louis’s hand as we run. All of the sudden he stops, and turns around to face me. He wraps his arms around my waist, picks me up, spins me around, and kisses me softly. Kissing in the rain. I’ve always wanted to do that, and now I have. We continue to run and I can hear Harry yell, “The fun’s not over yet!” We finally get to the car and all of us are soaking wet. I guess since it has been sunny our whole time here, we didn’t bother to check the weather forecast. Lesson learned. Louis starts the car and we are off to another mystery location.

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