Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

There are no water guns near me, so I pick up a handful of sand and throw it back at her. All four of us run around for a good five minutes chasing each other with water guns and sand. Louis and I sit right where the water touches the sand. As the water comes up and touches are legs, I jerk because it’s a little cold, and he pulls me in tighter. The warmth of his skin feels so nice pressed against me. “Hey Lou, earlier, we talked all about me, but you didn’t get to talk about yourself,” I say, pretending that I don’t know every detail of his life. He starts to talk about Doncaster, his family, and the X-factor. I love listening to him talk. We just sat there for a few minutes, quietly holding hands and looking at the beautiful ocean. All of the sudden I hear a squeal and an excited “YES!” from behind us. I’m assuming Harry just asked Rosie if she wants to come along. Louis and I get up and walk toward the happy couple. Rosie looks at me and screams “We’re going on tour!!!” “I know!” I respond excitedly and we hug. All four of us circle up and build a small fire. We sit on some logs and sing some songs. Mostly the boys sing, but Rosie and I chime in here and there. The boys were smart enough to bring some marshmallows to roast. We talk for what seems like forever about anything, everything, and nothing. As the night gets colder, I start shivering. Louis puts his arm around me and pulls me in close. This helps, a lot. I reach over to my bag to put my sweatshirt on from earlier, but Louis stops me and says, “Here babe, have mine,” as he takes his off.  I smile, look up at him, and say, “Thanks babe,” and put on his sweatshirt. “One more thing to finish off the day,” Louis says. ‘What else could make this day better?’ I thought. Harry runs to the car and pulls some blankets out of the trunk. “Spending the night under the stars,” Harry says as he sets the blankets on the sand. I can’t believe it, this is the best day ever. “Aww this is so sweet, thanks boys,” I say and kiss Lou on the cheek.

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